TSTP Solution File: ALG168+1 by SInE---0.4

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SInE---0.4
% Problem  : ALG168+1 : TPTP v5.0.0. Released v2.7.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : Source/sine.py -e eprover -t %d %s

% Computer : art03.cs.miami.edu
% Model    : i686 i686
% CPU      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz @ 2793MHz
% Memory   : 2018MB
% OS       : Linux
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Sat Dec 25 04:11:32 EST 2010

% Result   : Theorem 3.20s
% Output   : CNFRefutation 3.20s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : None (Could not find formula named the(ey(equality))
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    : 458

% Comments : 
    ( h20(e11) = e24
    & h20(e13) = e23
    & h20(e10) = op2(op2(e23,e24),e23)
    & h20(e12) = op2(e23,op2(op2(e23,e24),e23))
    & h20(e14) = op2(e23,e24) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax35) ).

    ( h14(e11) = e23
    & h14(e13) = e21
    & h14(e10) = op2(op2(e21,e23),e21)
    & h14(e12) = op2(e21,op2(op2(e21,e23),e21))
    & h14(e14) = op2(e21,e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax29) ).

    ( h13(e11) = e23
    & h13(e13) = e20
    & h13(e10) = op2(op2(e20,e23),e20)
    & h13(e12) = op2(e20,op2(op2(e20,e23),e20))
    & h13(e14) = op2(e20,e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax28) ).

    ( h10(e11) = e22
    & h10(e13) = e21
    & h10(e10) = op2(op2(e21,e22),e21)
    & h10(e12) = op2(e21,op2(op2(e21,e22),e21))
    & h10(e14) = op2(e21,e22) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax25) ).

    ( h9(e11) = e22
    & h9(e13) = e20
    & h9(e10) = op2(op2(e20,e22),e20)
    & h9(e12) = op2(e20,op2(op2(e20,e22),e20))
    & h9(e14) = op2(e20,e22) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax24) ).

    ( h12(e11) = e22
    & h12(e13) = e24
    & h12(e10) = op2(op2(e24,e22),e24)
    & h12(e12) = op2(e24,op2(op2(e24,e22),e24))
    & h12(e14) = op2(e24,e22) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax27) ).

    ( h11(e11) = e22
    & h11(e13) = e23
    & h11(e10) = op2(op2(e23,e22),e23)
    & h11(e12) = op2(e23,op2(op2(e23,e22),e23))
    & h11(e14) = op2(e23,e22) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax26) ).

    ( h6(e11) = e21
    & h6(e13) = e22
    & h6(e10) = op2(op2(e22,e21),e22)
    & h6(e12) = op2(e22,op2(op2(e22,e21),e22))
    & h6(e14) = op2(e22,e21) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax21) ).

    ( h5(e11) = e21
    & h5(e13) = e20
    & h5(e10) = op2(op2(e20,e21),e20)
    & h5(e12) = op2(e20,op2(op2(e20,e21),e20))
    & h5(e14) = op2(e20,e21) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax20) ).

    ( h8(e11) = e21
    & h8(e13) = e24
    & h8(e10) = op2(op2(e24,e21),e24)
    & h8(e12) = op2(e24,op2(op2(e24,e21),e24))
    & h8(e14) = op2(e24,e21) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax23) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e10,e13) = e10
      | op1(e10,e14) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e10) = e10
      | op1(e14,e10) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e10,e13) = e11
      | op1(e10,e14) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e10) = e11
      | op1(e14,e10) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e10,e13) = e12
      | op1(e10,e14) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e10) = e12
      | op1(e14,e10) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e10,e11) = e13
      | op1(e10,e12) = e13
      | op1(e10,e13) = e13
      | op1(e10,e14) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e10) = e13
      | op1(e12,e10) = e13
      | op1(e13,e10) = e13
      | op1(e14,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e14
      | op1(e10,e11) = e14
      | op1(e10,e12) = e14
      | op1(e10,e13) = e14
      | op1(e10,e14) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e14
      | op1(e11,e10) = e14
      | op1(e12,e10) = e14
      | op1(e13,e10) = e14
      | op1(e14,e10) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e10
      | op1(e11,e14) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e10
      | op1(e14,e11) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11
      | op1(e11,e14) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11
      | op1(e14,e11) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12
      | op1(e11,e14) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12
      | op1(e14,e11) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13
      | op1(e11,e14) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13
      | op1(e14,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e14
      | op1(e11,e11) = e14
      | op1(e11,e12) = e14
      | op1(e11,e13) = e14
      | op1(e11,e14) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e14
      | op1(e11,e11) = e14
      | op1(e12,e11) = e14
      | op1(e13,e11) = e14
      | op1(e14,e11) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e10
      | op1(e12,e14) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e10
      | op1(e14,e12) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11
      | op1(e12,e14) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11
      | op1(e14,e12) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12
      | op1(e12,e14) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12
      | op1(e14,e12) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e13
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13
      | op1(e12,e14) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e13
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13
      | op1(e14,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e14
      | op1(e12,e11) = e14
      | op1(e12,e12) = e14
      | op1(e12,e13) = e14
      | op1(e12,e14) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e14
      | op1(e11,e12) = e14
      | op1(e12,e12) = e14
      | op1(e13,e12) = e14
      | op1(e14,e12) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10
      | op1(e13,e14) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10
      | op1(e14,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11
      | op1(e13,e14) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11
      | op1(e14,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12
      | op1(e13,e14) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12
      | op1(e14,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13
      | op1(e13,e14) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e13
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13
      | op1(e14,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e14
      | op1(e13,e11) = e14
      | op1(e13,e12) = e14
      | op1(e13,e13) = e14
      | op1(e13,e14) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e14
      | op1(e11,e13) = e14
      | op1(e12,e13) = e14
      | op1(e13,e13) = e14
      | op1(e14,e13) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e14,e10) = e10
      | op1(e14,e11) = e10
      | op1(e14,e12) = e10
      | op1(e14,e13) = e10
      | op1(e14,e14) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e14) = e10
      | op1(e11,e14) = e10
      | op1(e12,e14) = e10
      | op1(e13,e14) = e10
      | op1(e14,e14) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e14,e10) = e11
      | op1(e14,e11) = e11
      | op1(e14,e12) = e11
      | op1(e14,e13) = e11
      | op1(e14,e14) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e14) = e11
      | op1(e11,e14) = e11
      | op1(e12,e14) = e11
      | op1(e13,e14) = e11
      | op1(e14,e14) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e14,e10) = e12
      | op1(e14,e11) = e12
      | op1(e14,e12) = e12
      | op1(e14,e13) = e12
      | op1(e14,e14) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e14) = e12
      | op1(e11,e14) = e12
      | op1(e12,e14) = e12
      | op1(e13,e14) = e12
      | op1(e14,e14) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e14,e10) = e13
      | op1(e14,e11) = e13
      | op1(e14,e12) = e13
      | op1(e14,e13) = e13
      | op1(e14,e14) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e14) = e13
      | op1(e11,e14) = e13
      | op1(e12,e14) = e13
      | op1(e13,e14) = e13
      | op1(e14,e14) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e14,e10) = e14
      | op1(e14,e11) = e14
      | op1(e14,e12) = e14
      | op1(e14,e13) = e14
      | op1(e14,e14) = e14 )
    & ( op1(e10,e14) = e14
      | op1(e11,e14) = e14
      | op1(e12,e14) = e14
      | op1(e13,e14) = e14
      | op1(e14,e14) = e14 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax2) ).

    ( op1(op1(e10,e10),op1(e10,e10)) = e10
    & op1(op1(e11,e10),op1(e10,e11)) = e10
    & op1(op1(e12,e10),op1(e10,e12)) = e10
    & op1(op1(e13,e10),op1(e10,e13)) = e10
    & op1(op1(e14,e10),op1(e10,e14)) = e10
    & op1(op1(e10,e11),op1(e11,e10)) = e11
    & op1(op1(e11,e11),op1(e11,e11)) = e11
    & op1(op1(e12,e11),op1(e11,e12)) = e11
    & op1(op1(e13,e11),op1(e11,e13)) = e11
    & op1(op1(e14,e11),op1(e11,e14)) = e11
    & op1(op1(e10,e12),op1(e12,e10)) = e12
    & op1(op1(e11,e12),op1(e12,e11)) = e12
    & op1(op1(e12,e12),op1(e12,e12)) = e12
    & op1(op1(e13,e12),op1(e12,e13)) = e12
    & op1(op1(e14,e12),op1(e12,e14)) = e12
    & op1(op1(e10,e13),op1(e13,e10)) = e13
    & op1(op1(e11,e13),op1(e13,e11)) = e13
    & op1(op1(e12,e13),op1(e13,e12)) = e13
    & op1(op1(e13,e13),op1(e13,e13)) = e13
    & op1(op1(e14,e13),op1(e13,e14)) = e13
    & op1(op1(e10,e14),op1(e14,e10)) = e14
    & op1(op1(e11,e14),op1(e14,e11)) = e14
    & op1(op1(e12,e14),op1(e14,e12)) = e14
    & op1(op1(e13,e14),op1(e14,e13)) = e14
    & op1(op1(e14,e14),op1(e14,e14)) = e14 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax3) ).

    ( op2(op2(e20,e20),op2(e20,e20)) = e20
    & op2(op2(e21,e20),op2(e20,e21)) = e20
    & op2(op2(e22,e20),op2(e20,e22)) = e20
    & op2(op2(e23,e20),op2(e20,e23)) = e20
    & op2(op2(e24,e20),op2(e20,e24)) = e20
    & op2(op2(e20,e21),op2(e21,e20)) = e21
    & op2(op2(e21,e21),op2(e21,e21)) = e21
    & op2(op2(e22,e21),op2(e21,e22)) = e21
    & op2(op2(e23,e21),op2(e21,e23)) = e21
    & op2(op2(e24,e21),op2(e21,e24)) = e21
    & op2(op2(e20,e22),op2(e22,e20)) = e22
    & op2(op2(e21,e22),op2(e22,e21)) = e22
    & op2(op2(e22,e22),op2(e22,e22)) = e22
    & op2(op2(e23,e22),op2(e22,e23)) = e22
    & op2(op2(e24,e22),op2(e22,e24)) = e22
    & op2(op2(e20,e23),op2(e23,e20)) = e23
    & op2(op2(e21,e23),op2(e23,e21)) = e23
    & op2(op2(e22,e23),op2(e23,e22)) = e23
    & op2(op2(e23,e23),op2(e23,e23)) = e23
    & op2(op2(e24,e23),op2(e23,e24)) = e23
    & op2(op2(e20,e24),op2(e24,e20)) = e24
    & op2(op2(e21,e24),op2(e24,e21)) = e24
    & op2(op2(e22,e24),op2(e24,e22)) = e24
    & op2(op2(e23,e24),op2(e24,e23)) = e24
    & op2(op2(e24,e24),op2(e24,e24)) = e24 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax6) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) != op1(e11,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e12,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e14,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e12,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e14,e10)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e14,e10)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e14,e10)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e11,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e14,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e14,e11)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e14,e11)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e14,e11)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e14,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e14,e12)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e14,e12)
    & op1(e13,e12) != op1(e14,e12)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e12,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e12,e13) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e13,e13) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e10,e14) != op1(e11,e14)
    & op1(e10,e14) != op1(e12,e14)
    & op1(e10,e14) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e10,e14) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e11,e14) != op1(e12,e14)
    & op1(e11,e14) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e11,e14) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e12,e14) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e12,e14) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e13,e14) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e11)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e12)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e14)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e12)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e14)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e10,e14)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e10,e14)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e11)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e14)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e14)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e11,e14)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e11,e14)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e14)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e14)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e12,e14)
    & op1(e12,e13) != op1(e12,e14)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e13,e12) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e12) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e13,e13) != op1(e13,e14)
    & op1(e14,e10) != op1(e14,e11)
    & op1(e14,e10) != op1(e14,e12)
    & op1(e14,e10) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e14,e10) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e14,e11) != op1(e14,e12)
    & op1(e14,e11) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e14,e11) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e14,e12) != op1(e14,e13)
    & op1(e14,e12) != op1(e14,e14)
    & op1(e14,e13) != op1(e14,e14) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax7) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e20,e23) = e20
      | op2(e20,e24) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e20) = e20
      | op2(e24,e20) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e20,e23) = e21
      | op2(e20,e24) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e20) = e21
      | op2(e24,e20) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e20,e23) = e22
      | op2(e20,e24) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e20) = e22
      | op2(e24,e20) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e20,e21) = e23
      | op2(e20,e22) = e23
      | op2(e20,e23) = e23
      | op2(e20,e24) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e20) = e23
      | op2(e22,e20) = e23
      | op2(e23,e20) = e23
      | op2(e24,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e24
      | op2(e20,e21) = e24
      | op2(e20,e22) = e24
      | op2(e20,e23) = e24
      | op2(e20,e24) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e24
      | op2(e21,e20) = e24
      | op2(e22,e20) = e24
      | op2(e23,e20) = e24
      | op2(e24,e20) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e20
      | op2(e21,e24) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e20
      | op2(e24,e21) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21
      | op2(e21,e24) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21
      | op2(e24,e21) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22
      | op2(e21,e24) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22
      | op2(e24,e21) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23
      | op2(e21,e24) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23
      | op2(e24,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e24
      | op2(e21,e21) = e24
      | op2(e21,e22) = e24
      | op2(e21,e23) = e24
      | op2(e21,e24) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e24
      | op2(e21,e21) = e24
      | op2(e22,e21) = e24
      | op2(e23,e21) = e24
      | op2(e24,e21) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e20
      | op2(e22,e24) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e20
      | op2(e24,e22) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21
      | op2(e22,e24) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21
      | op2(e24,e22) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22
      | op2(e22,e24) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22
      | op2(e24,e22) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e23
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23
      | op2(e22,e24) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e23
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23
      | op2(e24,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e24
      | op2(e22,e21) = e24
      | op2(e22,e22) = e24
      | op2(e22,e23) = e24
      | op2(e22,e24) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e24
      | op2(e21,e22) = e24
      | op2(e22,e22) = e24
      | op2(e23,e22) = e24
      | op2(e24,e22) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20
      | op2(e23,e24) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20
      | op2(e24,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21
      | op2(e23,e24) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21
      | op2(e24,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22
      | op2(e23,e24) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22
      | op2(e24,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23
      | op2(e23,e24) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e23
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23
      | op2(e24,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e24
      | op2(e23,e21) = e24
      | op2(e23,e22) = e24
      | op2(e23,e23) = e24
      | op2(e23,e24) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e24
      | op2(e21,e23) = e24
      | op2(e22,e23) = e24
      | op2(e23,e23) = e24
      | op2(e24,e23) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e24,e20) = e20
      | op2(e24,e21) = e20
      | op2(e24,e22) = e20
      | op2(e24,e23) = e20
      | op2(e24,e24) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e24) = e20
      | op2(e21,e24) = e20
      | op2(e22,e24) = e20
      | op2(e23,e24) = e20
      | op2(e24,e24) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e24,e20) = e21
      | op2(e24,e21) = e21
      | op2(e24,e22) = e21
      | op2(e24,e23) = e21
      | op2(e24,e24) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e24) = e21
      | op2(e21,e24) = e21
      | op2(e22,e24) = e21
      | op2(e23,e24) = e21
      | op2(e24,e24) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e24,e20) = e22
      | op2(e24,e21) = e22
      | op2(e24,e22) = e22
      | op2(e24,e23) = e22
      | op2(e24,e24) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e24) = e22
      | op2(e21,e24) = e22
      | op2(e22,e24) = e22
      | op2(e23,e24) = e22
      | op2(e24,e24) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e24,e20) = e23
      | op2(e24,e21) = e23
      | op2(e24,e22) = e23
      | op2(e24,e23) = e23
      | op2(e24,e24) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e24) = e23
      | op2(e21,e24) = e23
      | op2(e22,e24) = e23
      | op2(e23,e24) = e23
      | op2(e24,e24) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e24,e20) = e24
      | op2(e24,e21) = e24
      | op2(e24,e22) = e24
      | op2(e24,e23) = e24
      | op2(e24,e24) = e24 )
    & ( op2(e20,e24) = e24
      | op2(e21,e24) = e24
      | op2(e22,e24) = e24
      | op2(e23,e24) = e24
      | op2(e24,e24) = e24 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax5) ).

    ( op2(e20,e20) != op2(e21,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e22,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e24,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e22,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e24,e20)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e24,e20)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e24,e20)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e21,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e24,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e24,e21)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e24,e21)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e24,e21)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e24,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e24,e22)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e24,e22)
    & op2(e23,e22) != op2(e24,e22)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e22,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e22,e23) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e23,e23) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e20,e24) != op2(e21,e24)
    & op2(e20,e24) != op2(e22,e24)
    & op2(e20,e24) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e20,e24) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e21,e24) != op2(e22,e24)
    & op2(e21,e24) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e21,e24) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e22,e24) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e22,e24) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e23,e24) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e21)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e22)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e24)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e22)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e24)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e20,e24)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e20,e24)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e21)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e24)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e24)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e21,e24)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e21,e24)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e24)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e24)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e22,e24)
    & op2(e22,e23) != op2(e22,e24)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e23,e22) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e22) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e23,e23) != op2(e23,e24)
    & op2(e24,e20) != op2(e24,e21)
    & op2(e24,e20) != op2(e24,e22)
    & op2(e24,e20) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e24,e20) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e24,e21) != op2(e24,e22)
    & op2(e24,e21) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e24,e21) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e24,e22) != op2(e24,e23)
    & op2(e24,e22) != op2(e24,e24)
    & op2(e24,e23) != op2(e24,e24) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax8) ).

    ( e10 != e11
    & e10 != e12
    & e10 != e13
    & e10 != e14
    & e11 != e12
    & e11 != e13
    & e11 != e14
    & e12 != e13
    & e12 != e14
    & e13 != e14 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax9) ).

    ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e14))
      & ( h1(e10) = e20
        | h1(e11) = e20
        | h1(e12) = e20
        | h1(e13) = e20
        | h1(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e21
        | h1(e11) = e21
        | h1(e12) = e21
        | h1(e13) = e21
        | h1(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e22
        | h1(e11) = e22
        | h1(e12) = e22
        | h1(e13) = e22
        | h1(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e23
        | h1(e11) = e23
        | h1(e12) = e23
        | h1(e13) = e23
        | h1(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e24
        | h1(e11) = e24
        | h1(e12) = e24
        | h1(e13) = e24
        | h1(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e14))
      & ( h2(e10) = e20
        | h2(e11) = e20
        | h2(e12) = e20
        | h2(e13) = e20
        | h2(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e21
        | h2(e11) = e21
        | h2(e12) = e21
        | h2(e13) = e21
        | h2(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e22
        | h2(e11) = e22
        | h2(e12) = e22
        | h2(e13) = e22
        | h2(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e23
        | h2(e11) = e23
        | h2(e12) = e23
        | h2(e13) = e23
        | h2(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e24
        | h2(e11) = e24
        | h2(e12) = e24
        | h2(e13) = e24
        | h2(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e14))
      & ( h3(e10) = e20
        | h3(e11) = e20
        | h3(e12) = e20
        | h3(e13) = e20
        | h3(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e21
        | h3(e11) = e21
        | h3(e12) = e21
        | h3(e13) = e21
        | h3(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e22
        | h3(e11) = e22
        | h3(e12) = e22
        | h3(e13) = e22
        | h3(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e23
        | h3(e11) = e23
        | h3(e12) = e23
        | h3(e13) = e23
        | h3(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e24
        | h3(e11) = e24
        | h3(e12) = e24
        | h3(e13) = e24
        | h3(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e14))
      & ( h4(e10) = e20
        | h4(e11) = e20
        | h4(e12) = e20
        | h4(e13) = e20
        | h4(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e21
        | h4(e11) = e21
        | h4(e12) = e21
        | h4(e13) = e21
        | h4(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e22
        | h4(e11) = e22
        | h4(e12) = e22
        | h4(e13) = e22
        | h4(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e23
        | h4(e11) = e23
        | h4(e12) = e23
        | h4(e13) = e23
        | h4(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e24
        | h4(e11) = e24
        | h4(e12) = e24
        | h4(e13) = e24
        | h4(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h5(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e14))
      & ( h5(e10) = e20
        | h5(e11) = e20
        | h5(e12) = e20
        | h5(e13) = e20
        | h5(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e21
        | h5(e11) = e21
        | h5(e12) = e21
        | h5(e13) = e21
        | h5(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e22
        | h5(e11) = e22
        | h5(e12) = e22
        | h5(e13) = e22
        | h5(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e23
        | h5(e11) = e23
        | h5(e12) = e23
        | h5(e13) = e23
        | h5(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e24
        | h5(e11) = e24
        | h5(e12) = e24
        | h5(e13) = e24
        | h5(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h6(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e14))
      & ( h6(e10) = e20
        | h6(e11) = e20
        | h6(e12) = e20
        | h6(e13) = e20
        | h6(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e21
        | h6(e11) = e21
        | h6(e12) = e21
        | h6(e13) = e21
        | h6(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e22
        | h6(e11) = e22
        | h6(e12) = e22
        | h6(e13) = e22
        | h6(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e23
        | h6(e11) = e23
        | h6(e12) = e23
        | h6(e13) = e23
        | h6(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e24
        | h6(e11) = e24
        | h6(e12) = e24
        | h6(e13) = e24
        | h6(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h7(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e14))
      & ( h7(e10) = e20
        | h7(e11) = e20
        | h7(e12) = e20
        | h7(e13) = e20
        | h7(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e21
        | h7(e11) = e21
        | h7(e12) = e21
        | h7(e13) = e21
        | h7(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e22
        | h7(e11) = e22
        | h7(e12) = e22
        | h7(e13) = e22
        | h7(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e23
        | h7(e11) = e23
        | h7(e12) = e23
        | h7(e13) = e23
        | h7(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e24
        | h7(e11) = e24
        | h7(e12) = e24
        | h7(e13) = e24
        | h7(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h8(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e14))
      & ( h8(e10) = e20
        | h8(e11) = e20
        | h8(e12) = e20
        | h8(e13) = e20
        | h8(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e21
        | h8(e11) = e21
        | h8(e12) = e21
        | h8(e13) = e21
        | h8(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e22
        | h8(e11) = e22
        | h8(e12) = e22
        | h8(e13) = e22
        | h8(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e23
        | h8(e11) = e23
        | h8(e12) = e23
        | h8(e13) = e23
        | h8(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e24
        | h8(e11) = e24
        | h8(e12) = e24
        | h8(e13) = e24
        | h8(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h9(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e14))
      & ( h9(e10) = e20
        | h9(e11) = e20
        | h9(e12) = e20
        | h9(e13) = e20
        | h9(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e21
        | h9(e11) = e21
        | h9(e12) = e21
        | h9(e13) = e21
        | h9(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e22
        | h9(e11) = e22
        | h9(e12) = e22
        | h9(e13) = e22
        | h9(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e23
        | h9(e11) = e23
        | h9(e12) = e23
        | h9(e13) = e23
        | h9(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e24
        | h9(e11) = e24
        | h9(e12) = e24
        | h9(e13) = e24
        | h9(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h10(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e14))
      & ( h10(e10) = e20
        | h10(e11) = e20
        | h10(e12) = e20
        | h10(e13) = e20
        | h10(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e21
        | h10(e11) = e21
        | h10(e12) = e21
        | h10(e13) = e21
        | h10(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e22
        | h10(e11) = e22
        | h10(e12) = e22
        | h10(e13) = e22
        | h10(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e23
        | h10(e11) = e23
        | h10(e12) = e23
        | h10(e13) = e23
        | h10(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e24
        | h10(e11) = e24
        | h10(e12) = e24
        | h10(e13) = e24
        | h10(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h11(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e14))
      & ( h11(e10) = e20
        | h11(e11) = e20
        | h11(e12) = e20
        | h11(e13) = e20
        | h11(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e21
        | h11(e11) = e21
        | h11(e12) = e21
        | h11(e13) = e21
        | h11(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e22
        | h11(e11) = e22
        | h11(e12) = e22
        | h11(e13) = e22
        | h11(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e23
        | h11(e11) = e23
        | h11(e12) = e23
        | h11(e13) = e23
        | h11(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e24
        | h11(e11) = e24
        | h11(e12) = e24
        | h11(e13) = e24
        | h11(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h12(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e14))
      & ( h12(e10) = e20
        | h12(e11) = e20
        | h12(e12) = e20
        | h12(e13) = e20
        | h12(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e21
        | h12(e11) = e21
        | h12(e12) = e21
        | h12(e13) = e21
        | h12(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e22
        | h12(e11) = e22
        | h12(e12) = e22
        | h12(e13) = e22
        | h12(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e23
        | h12(e11) = e23
        | h12(e12) = e23
        | h12(e13) = e23
        | h12(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e24
        | h12(e11) = e24
        | h12(e12) = e24
        | h12(e13) = e24
        | h12(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h13(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e14))
      & ( h13(e10) = e20
        | h13(e11) = e20
        | h13(e12) = e20
        | h13(e13) = e20
        | h13(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e21
        | h13(e11) = e21
        | h13(e12) = e21
        | h13(e13) = e21
        | h13(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e22
        | h13(e11) = e22
        | h13(e12) = e22
        | h13(e13) = e22
        | h13(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e23
        | h13(e11) = e23
        | h13(e12) = e23
        | h13(e13) = e23
        | h13(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e24
        | h13(e11) = e24
        | h13(e12) = e24
        | h13(e13) = e24
        | h13(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h14(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e14))
      & ( h14(e10) = e20
        | h14(e11) = e20
        | h14(e12) = e20
        | h14(e13) = e20
        | h14(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e21
        | h14(e11) = e21
        | h14(e12) = e21
        | h14(e13) = e21
        | h14(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e22
        | h14(e11) = e22
        | h14(e12) = e22
        | h14(e13) = e22
        | h14(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e23
        | h14(e11) = e23
        | h14(e12) = e23
        | h14(e13) = e23
        | h14(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e24
        | h14(e11) = e24
        | h14(e12) = e24
        | h14(e13) = e24
        | h14(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h15(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      & ( h15(e10) = e20
        | h15(e11) = e20
        | h15(e12) = e20
        | h15(e13) = e20
        | h15(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e21
        | h15(e11) = e21
        | h15(e12) = e21
        | h15(e13) = e21
        | h15(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e22
        | h15(e11) = e22
        | h15(e12) = e22
        | h15(e13) = e22
        | h15(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e23
        | h15(e11) = e23
        | h15(e12) = e23
        | h15(e13) = e23
        | h15(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e24
        | h15(e11) = e24
        | h15(e12) = e24
        | h15(e13) = e24
        | h15(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h16(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e14))
      & ( h16(e10) = e20
        | h16(e11) = e20
        | h16(e12) = e20
        | h16(e13) = e20
        | h16(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e21
        | h16(e11) = e21
        | h16(e12) = e21
        | h16(e13) = e21
        | h16(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e22
        | h16(e11) = e22
        | h16(e12) = e22
        | h16(e13) = e22
        | h16(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e23
        | h16(e11) = e23
        | h16(e12) = e23
        | h16(e13) = e23
        | h16(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e24
        | h16(e11) = e24
        | h16(e12) = e24
        | h16(e13) = e24
        | h16(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h17(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e14))
      & ( h17(e10) = e20
        | h17(e11) = e20
        | h17(e12) = e20
        | h17(e13) = e20
        | h17(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e21
        | h17(e11) = e21
        | h17(e12) = e21
        | h17(e13) = e21
        | h17(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e22
        | h17(e11) = e22
        | h17(e12) = e22
        | h17(e13) = e22
        | h17(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e23
        | h17(e11) = e23
        | h17(e12) = e23
        | h17(e13) = e23
        | h17(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e24
        | h17(e11) = e24
        | h17(e12) = e24
        | h17(e13) = e24
        | h17(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h18(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e14))
      & ( h18(e10) = e20
        | h18(e11) = e20
        | h18(e12) = e20
        | h18(e13) = e20
        | h18(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e21
        | h18(e11) = e21
        | h18(e12) = e21
        | h18(e13) = e21
        | h18(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e22
        | h18(e11) = e22
        | h18(e12) = e22
        | h18(e13) = e22
        | h18(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e23
        | h18(e11) = e23
        | h18(e12) = e23
        | h18(e13) = e23
        | h18(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e24
        | h18(e11) = e24
        | h18(e12) = e24
        | h18(e13) = e24
        | h18(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h19(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e14))
      & ( h19(e10) = e20
        | h19(e11) = e20
        | h19(e12) = e20
        | h19(e13) = e20
        | h19(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e21
        | h19(e11) = e21
        | h19(e12) = e21
        | h19(e13) = e21
        | h19(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e22
        | h19(e11) = e22
        | h19(e12) = e22
        | h19(e13) = e22
        | h19(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e23
        | h19(e11) = e23
        | h19(e12) = e23
        | h19(e13) = e23
        | h19(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e24
        | h19(e11) = e24
        | h19(e12) = e24
        | h19(e13) = e24
        | h19(e14) = e24 ) )
    | ( h20(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e14))
      & ( h20(e10) = e20
        | h20(e11) = e20
        | h20(e12) = e20
        | h20(e13) = e20
        | h20(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e21
        | h20(e11) = e21
        | h20(e12) = e21
        | h20(e13) = e21
        | h20(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e22
        | h20(e11) = e22
        | h20(e12) = e22
        | h20(e13) = e22
        | h20(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e23
        | h20(e11) = e23
        | h20(e12) = e23
        | h20(e13) = e23
        | h20(e14) = e23 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e24
        | h20(e11) = e24
        | h20(e12) = e24
        | h20(e13) = e24
        | h20(e14) = e24 ) ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',co1) ).

    ( e10 = op1(op1(e13,e11),e13)
    & e12 = op1(e13,op1(op1(e13,e11),e13))
    & e14 = op1(e13,e11) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax14) ).

    ( e20 = op2(op2(e23,e21),e23)
    & e22 = op2(e23,op2(op2(e23,e21),e23))
    & e24 = op2(e23,e21) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax15) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    & h1(e13) = e21
    & h1(e10) = op2(op2(e21,e20),e21)
    & h1(e12) = op2(e21,op2(op2(e21,e20),e21))
    & h1(e14) = op2(e21,e20) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax16) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e20
    & h2(e13) = e22
    & h2(e10) = op2(op2(e22,e20),e22)
    & h2(e12) = op2(e22,op2(op2(e22,e20),e22))
    & h2(e14) = op2(e22,e20) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax17) ).

    ( e20 != e21
    & e20 != e22
    & e20 != e23
    & e20 != e24
    & e21 != e22
    & e21 != e23
    & e21 != e24
    & e22 != e23
    & e22 != e24
    & e23 != e24 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax10) ).

    ( op1(e10,op1(e10,e10)) = e10
    & op1(e10,op1(e10,e11)) = e11
    & op1(e10,op1(e10,e12)) = e12
    & op1(e10,op1(e10,e13)) = e13
    & op1(e10,op1(e10,e14)) = e14
    & op1(e11,op1(e11,e10)) = e10
    & op1(e11,op1(e11,e11)) = e11
    & op1(e11,op1(e11,e12)) = e12
    & op1(e11,op1(e11,e13)) = e13
    & op1(e11,op1(e11,e14)) = e14
    & op1(e12,op1(e12,e10)) = e10
    & op1(e12,op1(e12,e11)) = e11
    & op1(e12,op1(e12,e12)) = e12
    & op1(e12,op1(e12,e13)) = e13
    & op1(e12,op1(e12,e14)) = e14
    & op1(e13,op1(e13,e10)) = e10
    & op1(e13,op1(e13,e11)) = e11
    & op1(e13,op1(e13,e12)) = e12
    & op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)) = e13
    & op1(e13,op1(e13,e14)) = e14
    & op1(e14,op1(e14,e10)) = e10
    & op1(e14,op1(e14,e11)) = e11
    & op1(e14,op1(e14,e12)) = e12
    & op1(e14,op1(e14,e13)) = e13
    & op1(e14,op1(e14,e14)) = e14 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax12) ).

    ( op2(e20,op2(e20,e20)) = e20
    & op2(e20,op2(e20,e21)) = e21
    & op2(e20,op2(e20,e22)) = e22
    & op2(e20,op2(e20,e23)) = e23
    & op2(e20,op2(e20,e24)) = e24
    & op2(e21,op2(e21,e20)) = e20
    & op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)) = e21
    & op2(e21,op2(e21,e22)) = e22
    & op2(e21,op2(e21,e23)) = e23
    & op2(e21,op2(e21,e24)) = e24
    & op2(e22,op2(e22,e20)) = e20
    & op2(e22,op2(e22,e21)) = e21
    & op2(e22,op2(e22,e22)) = e22
    & op2(e22,op2(e22,e23)) = e23
    & op2(e22,op2(e22,e24)) = e24
    & op2(e23,op2(e23,e20)) = e20
    & op2(e23,op2(e23,e21)) = e21
    & op2(e23,op2(e23,e22)) = e22
    & op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)) = e23
    & op2(e23,op2(e23,e24)) = e24
    & op2(e24,op2(e24,e20)) = e20
    & op2(e24,op2(e24,e21)) = e21
    & op2(e24,op2(e24,e22)) = e22
    & op2(e24,op2(e24,e23)) = e23
    & op2(e24,op2(e24,e24)) = e24 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax13) ).

    ( h4(e11) = e20
    & h4(e13) = e24
    & h4(e10) = op2(op2(e24,e20),e24)
    & h4(e12) = op2(e24,op2(op2(e24,e20),e24))
    & h4(e14) = op2(e24,e20) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax19) ).

    ( h17(e11) = e24
    & h17(e13) = e20
    & h17(e10) = op2(op2(e20,e24),e20)
    & h17(e12) = op2(e20,op2(op2(e20,e24),e20))
    & h17(e14) = op2(e20,e24) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax32) ).

    ( h18(e11) = e24
    & h18(e13) = e21
    & h18(e10) = op2(op2(e21,e24),e21)
    & h18(e12) = op2(e21,op2(op2(e21,e24),e21))
    & h18(e14) = op2(e21,e24) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax33) ).

    ( h15(e11) = e23
    & h15(e13) = e22
    & h15(e10) = op2(op2(e22,e23),e22)
    & h15(e12) = op2(e22,op2(op2(e22,e23),e22))
    & h15(e14) = op2(e22,e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax30) ).

    ( h16(e11) = e23
    & h16(e13) = e24
    & h16(e10) = op2(op2(e24,e23),e24)
    & h16(e12) = op2(e24,op2(op2(e24,e23),e24))
    & h16(e14) = op2(e24,e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1',ax31) ).

    ~ ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e14))
        & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e14))
        & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e14))
        & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e14))
        & h1(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e14))
        & ( h1(e10) = e20
          | h1(e11) = e20
          | h1(e12) = e20
          | h1(e13) = e20
          | h1(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e21
          | h1(e11) = e21
          | h1(e12) = e21
          | h1(e13) = e21
          | h1(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e22
          | h1(e11) = e22
          | h1(e12) = e22
          | h1(e13) = e22
          | h1(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e23
          | h1(e11) = e23
          | h1(e12) = e23
          | h1(e13) = e23
          | h1(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e24
          | h1(e11) = e24
          | h1(e12) = e24
          | h1(e13) = e24
          | h1(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e14))
        & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e14))
        & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e14))
        & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e14))
        & h2(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e14))
        & ( h2(e10) = e20
          | h2(e11) = e20
          | h2(e12) = e20
          | h2(e13) = e20
          | h2(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e21
          | h2(e11) = e21
          | h2(e12) = e21
          | h2(e13) = e21
          | h2(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e22
          | h2(e11) = e22
          | h2(e12) = e22
          | h2(e13) = e22
          | h2(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e23
          | h2(e11) = e23
          | h2(e12) = e23
          | h2(e13) = e23
          | h2(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e24
          | h2(e11) = e24
          | h2(e12) = e24
          | h2(e13) = e24
          | h2(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e14))
        & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e14))
        & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e14))
        & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e14))
        & h3(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e14))
        & ( h3(e10) = e20
          | h3(e11) = e20
          | h3(e12) = e20
          | h3(e13) = e20
          | h3(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e21
          | h3(e11) = e21
          | h3(e12) = e21
          | h3(e13) = e21
          | h3(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e22
          | h3(e11) = e22
          | h3(e12) = e22
          | h3(e13) = e22
          | h3(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e23
          | h3(e11) = e23
          | h3(e12) = e23
          | h3(e13) = e23
          | h3(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e24
          | h3(e11) = e24
          | h3(e12) = e24
          | h3(e13) = e24
          | h3(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e14))
        & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e14))
        & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e14))
        & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e14))
        & h4(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e14))
        & ( h4(e10) = e20
          | h4(e11) = e20
          | h4(e12) = e20
          | h4(e13) = e20
          | h4(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e21
          | h4(e11) = e21
          | h4(e12) = e21
          | h4(e13) = e21
          | h4(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e22
          | h4(e11) = e22
          | h4(e12) = e22
          | h4(e13) = e22
          | h4(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e23
          | h4(e11) = e23
          | h4(e12) = e23
          | h4(e13) = e23
          | h4(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e24
          | h4(e11) = e24
          | h4(e12) = e24
          | h4(e13) = e24
          | h4(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h5(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e10))
        & h5(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e11))
        & h5(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e12))
        & h5(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e13))
        & h5(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e14))
        & h5(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e10))
        & h5(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e11))
        & h5(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e12))
        & h5(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e13))
        & h5(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e14))
        & h5(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e10))
        & h5(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e11))
        & h5(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e12))
        & h5(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e13))
        & h5(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e14))
        & h5(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e10))
        & h5(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e11))
        & h5(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e12))
        & h5(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e13))
        & h5(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e14))
        & h5(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e10))
        & h5(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e11))
        & h5(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e12))
        & h5(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e13))
        & h5(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e14))
        & ( h5(e10) = e20
          | h5(e11) = e20
          | h5(e12) = e20
          | h5(e13) = e20
          | h5(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h5(e10) = e21
          | h5(e11) = e21
          | h5(e12) = e21
          | h5(e13) = e21
          | h5(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h5(e10) = e22
          | h5(e11) = e22
          | h5(e12) = e22
          | h5(e13) = e22
          | h5(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h5(e10) = e23
          | h5(e11) = e23
          | h5(e12) = e23
          | h5(e13) = e23
          | h5(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h5(e10) = e24
          | h5(e11) = e24
          | h5(e12) = e24
          | h5(e13) = e24
          | h5(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h6(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e10))
        & h6(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e11))
        & h6(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e12))
        & h6(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e13))
        & h6(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e14))
        & h6(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e10))
        & h6(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e11))
        & h6(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e12))
        & h6(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e13))
        & h6(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e14))
        & h6(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e10))
        & h6(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e11))
        & h6(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e12))
        & h6(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e13))
        & h6(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e14))
        & h6(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e10))
        & h6(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e11))
        & h6(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e12))
        & h6(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e13))
        & h6(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e14))
        & h6(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e10))
        & h6(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e11))
        & h6(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e12))
        & h6(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e13))
        & h6(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e14))
        & ( h6(e10) = e20
          | h6(e11) = e20
          | h6(e12) = e20
          | h6(e13) = e20
          | h6(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h6(e10) = e21
          | h6(e11) = e21
          | h6(e12) = e21
          | h6(e13) = e21
          | h6(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h6(e10) = e22
          | h6(e11) = e22
          | h6(e12) = e22
          | h6(e13) = e22
          | h6(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h6(e10) = e23
          | h6(e11) = e23
          | h6(e12) = e23
          | h6(e13) = e23
          | h6(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h6(e10) = e24
          | h6(e11) = e24
          | h6(e12) = e24
          | h6(e13) = e24
          | h6(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h7(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e10))
        & h7(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e11))
        & h7(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e12))
        & h7(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e13))
        & h7(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e14))
        & h7(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e10))
        & h7(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e11))
        & h7(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e12))
        & h7(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e13))
        & h7(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e14))
        & h7(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e10))
        & h7(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e11))
        & h7(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e12))
        & h7(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e13))
        & h7(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e14))
        & h7(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e10))
        & h7(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e11))
        & h7(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e12))
        & h7(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e13))
        & h7(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e14))
        & h7(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e10))
        & h7(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e11))
        & h7(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e12))
        & h7(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e13))
        & h7(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e14))
        & ( h7(e10) = e20
          | h7(e11) = e20
          | h7(e12) = e20
          | h7(e13) = e20
          | h7(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h7(e10) = e21
          | h7(e11) = e21
          | h7(e12) = e21
          | h7(e13) = e21
          | h7(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h7(e10) = e22
          | h7(e11) = e22
          | h7(e12) = e22
          | h7(e13) = e22
          | h7(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h7(e10) = e23
          | h7(e11) = e23
          | h7(e12) = e23
          | h7(e13) = e23
          | h7(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h7(e10) = e24
          | h7(e11) = e24
          | h7(e12) = e24
          | h7(e13) = e24
          | h7(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h8(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e10))
        & h8(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e11))
        & h8(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e12))
        & h8(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e13))
        & h8(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e14))
        & h8(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e10))
        & h8(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e11))
        & h8(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e12))
        & h8(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e13))
        & h8(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e14))
        & h8(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e10))
        & h8(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e11))
        & h8(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e12))
        & h8(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e13))
        & h8(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e14))
        & h8(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e10))
        & h8(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e11))
        & h8(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e12))
        & h8(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e13))
        & h8(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e14))
        & h8(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e10))
        & h8(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e11))
        & h8(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e12))
        & h8(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e13))
        & h8(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e14))
        & ( h8(e10) = e20
          | h8(e11) = e20
          | h8(e12) = e20
          | h8(e13) = e20
          | h8(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h8(e10) = e21
          | h8(e11) = e21
          | h8(e12) = e21
          | h8(e13) = e21
          | h8(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h8(e10) = e22
          | h8(e11) = e22
          | h8(e12) = e22
          | h8(e13) = e22
          | h8(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h8(e10) = e23
          | h8(e11) = e23
          | h8(e12) = e23
          | h8(e13) = e23
          | h8(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h8(e10) = e24
          | h8(e11) = e24
          | h8(e12) = e24
          | h8(e13) = e24
          | h8(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h9(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e10))
        & h9(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e11))
        & h9(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e12))
        & h9(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e13))
        & h9(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e14))
        & h9(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e10))
        & h9(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e11))
        & h9(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e12))
        & h9(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e13))
        & h9(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e14))
        & h9(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e10))
        & h9(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e11))
        & h9(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e12))
        & h9(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e13))
        & h9(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e14))
        & h9(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e10))
        & h9(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e11))
        & h9(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e12))
        & h9(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e13))
        & h9(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e14))
        & h9(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e10))
        & h9(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e11))
        & h9(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e12))
        & h9(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e13))
        & h9(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e14))
        & ( h9(e10) = e20
          | h9(e11) = e20
          | h9(e12) = e20
          | h9(e13) = e20
          | h9(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h9(e10) = e21
          | h9(e11) = e21
          | h9(e12) = e21
          | h9(e13) = e21
          | h9(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h9(e10) = e22
          | h9(e11) = e22
          | h9(e12) = e22
          | h9(e13) = e22
          | h9(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h9(e10) = e23
          | h9(e11) = e23
          | h9(e12) = e23
          | h9(e13) = e23
          | h9(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h9(e10) = e24
          | h9(e11) = e24
          | h9(e12) = e24
          | h9(e13) = e24
          | h9(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h10(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e10))
        & h10(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e11))
        & h10(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e12))
        & h10(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e13))
        & h10(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e14))
        & h10(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e10))
        & h10(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e11))
        & h10(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e12))
        & h10(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e13))
        & h10(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e14))
        & h10(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e10))
        & h10(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e11))
        & h10(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e12))
        & h10(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e13))
        & h10(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e14))
        & h10(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e10))
        & h10(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e11))
        & h10(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e12))
        & h10(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e13))
        & h10(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e14))
        & h10(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e10))
        & h10(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e11))
        & h10(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e12))
        & h10(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e13))
        & h10(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e14))
        & ( h10(e10) = e20
          | h10(e11) = e20
          | h10(e12) = e20
          | h10(e13) = e20
          | h10(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h10(e10) = e21
          | h10(e11) = e21
          | h10(e12) = e21
          | h10(e13) = e21
          | h10(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h10(e10) = e22
          | h10(e11) = e22
          | h10(e12) = e22
          | h10(e13) = e22
          | h10(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h10(e10) = e23
          | h10(e11) = e23
          | h10(e12) = e23
          | h10(e13) = e23
          | h10(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h10(e10) = e24
          | h10(e11) = e24
          | h10(e12) = e24
          | h10(e13) = e24
          | h10(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h11(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e10))
        & h11(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e11))
        & h11(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e12))
        & h11(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e13))
        & h11(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e14))
        & h11(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e10))
        & h11(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e11))
        & h11(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e12))
        & h11(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e13))
        & h11(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e14))
        & h11(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e10))
        & h11(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e11))
        & h11(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e12))
        & h11(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e13))
        & h11(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e14))
        & h11(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e10))
        & h11(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e11))
        & h11(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e12))
        & h11(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e13))
        & h11(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e14))
        & h11(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e10))
        & h11(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e11))
        & h11(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e12))
        & h11(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e13))
        & h11(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e14))
        & ( h11(e10) = e20
          | h11(e11) = e20
          | h11(e12) = e20
          | h11(e13) = e20
          | h11(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h11(e10) = e21
          | h11(e11) = e21
          | h11(e12) = e21
          | h11(e13) = e21
          | h11(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h11(e10) = e22
          | h11(e11) = e22
          | h11(e12) = e22
          | h11(e13) = e22
          | h11(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h11(e10) = e23
          | h11(e11) = e23
          | h11(e12) = e23
          | h11(e13) = e23
          | h11(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h11(e10) = e24
          | h11(e11) = e24
          | h11(e12) = e24
          | h11(e13) = e24
          | h11(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h12(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e10))
        & h12(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e11))
        & h12(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e12))
        & h12(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e13))
        & h12(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e14))
        & h12(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e10))
        & h12(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e11))
        & h12(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e12))
        & h12(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e13))
        & h12(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e14))
        & h12(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e10))
        & h12(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e11))
        & h12(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e12))
        & h12(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e13))
        & h12(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e14))
        & h12(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e10))
        & h12(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e11))
        & h12(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e12))
        & h12(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e13))
        & h12(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e14))
        & h12(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e10))
        & h12(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e11))
        & h12(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e12))
        & h12(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e13))
        & h12(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e14))
        & ( h12(e10) = e20
          | h12(e11) = e20
          | h12(e12) = e20
          | h12(e13) = e20
          | h12(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h12(e10) = e21
          | h12(e11) = e21
          | h12(e12) = e21
          | h12(e13) = e21
          | h12(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h12(e10) = e22
          | h12(e11) = e22
          | h12(e12) = e22
          | h12(e13) = e22
          | h12(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h12(e10) = e23
          | h12(e11) = e23
          | h12(e12) = e23
          | h12(e13) = e23
          | h12(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h12(e10) = e24
          | h12(e11) = e24
          | h12(e12) = e24
          | h12(e13) = e24
          | h12(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h13(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e10))
        & h13(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e11))
        & h13(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e12))
        & h13(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e13))
        & h13(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e14))
        & h13(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e10))
        & h13(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e11))
        & h13(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e12))
        & h13(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e13))
        & h13(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e14))
        & h13(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e10))
        & h13(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e11))
        & h13(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e12))
        & h13(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e13))
        & h13(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e14))
        & h13(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e10))
        & h13(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e11))
        & h13(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e12))
        & h13(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e13))
        & h13(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e14))
        & h13(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e10))
        & h13(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e11))
        & h13(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e12))
        & h13(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e13))
        & h13(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e14))
        & ( h13(e10) = e20
          | h13(e11) = e20
          | h13(e12) = e20
          | h13(e13) = e20
          | h13(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h13(e10) = e21
          | h13(e11) = e21
          | h13(e12) = e21
          | h13(e13) = e21
          | h13(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h13(e10) = e22
          | h13(e11) = e22
          | h13(e12) = e22
          | h13(e13) = e22
          | h13(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h13(e10) = e23
          | h13(e11) = e23
          | h13(e12) = e23
          | h13(e13) = e23
          | h13(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h13(e10) = e24
          | h13(e11) = e24
          | h13(e12) = e24
          | h13(e13) = e24
          | h13(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h14(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e10))
        & h14(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e11))
        & h14(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e12))
        & h14(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e13))
        & h14(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e14))
        & h14(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e10))
        & h14(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e11))
        & h14(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e12))
        & h14(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e13))
        & h14(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e14))
        & h14(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e10))
        & h14(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e11))
        & h14(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e12))
        & h14(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e13))
        & h14(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e14))
        & h14(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e10))
        & h14(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e11))
        & h14(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e12))
        & h14(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e13))
        & h14(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e14))
        & h14(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e10))
        & h14(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e11))
        & h14(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e12))
        & h14(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e13))
        & h14(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e14))
        & ( h14(e10) = e20
          | h14(e11) = e20
          | h14(e12) = e20
          | h14(e13) = e20
          | h14(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h14(e10) = e21
          | h14(e11) = e21
          | h14(e12) = e21
          | h14(e13) = e21
          | h14(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h14(e10) = e22
          | h14(e11) = e22
          | h14(e12) = e22
          | h14(e13) = e22
          | h14(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h14(e10) = e23
          | h14(e11) = e23
          | h14(e12) = e23
          | h14(e13) = e23
          | h14(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h14(e10) = e24
          | h14(e11) = e24
          | h14(e12) = e24
          | h14(e13) = e24
          | h14(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h15(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
        & h15(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
        & h15(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
        & h15(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
        & h15(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
        & h15(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
        & h15(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
        & h15(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
        & h15(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
        & h15(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
        & h15(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
        & h15(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
        & h15(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
        & h15(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
        & h15(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
        & h15(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
        & h15(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
        & h15(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
        & h15(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
        & h15(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
        & h15(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
        & h15(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
        & h15(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
        & h15(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
        & h15(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
        & ( h15(e10) = e20
          | h15(e11) = e20
          | h15(e12) = e20
          | h15(e13) = e20
          | h15(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h15(e10) = e21
          | h15(e11) = e21
          | h15(e12) = e21
          | h15(e13) = e21
          | h15(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h15(e10) = e22
          | h15(e11) = e22
          | h15(e12) = e22
          | h15(e13) = e22
          | h15(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h15(e10) = e23
          | h15(e11) = e23
          | h15(e12) = e23
          | h15(e13) = e23
          | h15(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h15(e10) = e24
          | h15(e11) = e24
          | h15(e12) = e24
          | h15(e13) = e24
          | h15(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h16(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e10))
        & h16(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e11))
        & h16(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e12))
        & h16(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e13))
        & h16(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e14))
        & h16(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e10))
        & h16(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e11))
        & h16(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e12))
        & h16(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e13))
        & h16(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e14))
        & h16(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e10))
        & h16(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e11))
        & h16(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e12))
        & h16(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e13))
        & h16(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e14))
        & h16(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e10))
        & h16(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e11))
        & h16(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e12))
        & h16(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e13))
        & h16(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e14))
        & h16(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e10))
        & h16(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e11))
        & h16(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e12))
        & h16(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e13))
        & h16(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e14))
        & ( h16(e10) = e20
          | h16(e11) = e20
          | h16(e12) = e20
          | h16(e13) = e20
          | h16(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h16(e10) = e21
          | h16(e11) = e21
          | h16(e12) = e21
          | h16(e13) = e21
          | h16(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h16(e10) = e22
          | h16(e11) = e22
          | h16(e12) = e22
          | h16(e13) = e22
          | h16(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h16(e10) = e23
          | h16(e11) = e23
          | h16(e12) = e23
          | h16(e13) = e23
          | h16(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h16(e10) = e24
          | h16(e11) = e24
          | h16(e12) = e24
          | h16(e13) = e24
          | h16(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h17(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e10))
        & h17(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e11))
        & h17(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e12))
        & h17(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e13))
        & h17(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e14))
        & h17(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e10))
        & h17(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e11))
        & h17(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e12))
        & h17(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e13))
        & h17(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e14))
        & h17(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e10))
        & h17(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e11))
        & h17(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e12))
        & h17(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e13))
        & h17(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e14))
        & h17(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e10))
        & h17(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e11))
        & h17(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e12))
        & h17(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e13))
        & h17(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e14))
        & h17(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e10))
        & h17(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e11))
        & h17(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e12))
        & h17(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e13))
        & h17(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e14))
        & ( h17(e10) = e20
          | h17(e11) = e20
          | h17(e12) = e20
          | h17(e13) = e20
          | h17(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h17(e10) = e21
          | h17(e11) = e21
          | h17(e12) = e21
          | h17(e13) = e21
          | h17(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h17(e10) = e22
          | h17(e11) = e22
          | h17(e12) = e22
          | h17(e13) = e22
          | h17(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h17(e10) = e23
          | h17(e11) = e23
          | h17(e12) = e23
          | h17(e13) = e23
          | h17(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h17(e10) = e24
          | h17(e11) = e24
          | h17(e12) = e24
          | h17(e13) = e24
          | h17(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h18(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e10))
        & h18(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e11))
        & h18(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e12))
        & h18(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e13))
        & h18(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e14))
        & h18(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e10))
        & h18(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e11))
        & h18(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e12))
        & h18(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e13))
        & h18(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e14))
        & h18(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e10))
        & h18(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e11))
        & h18(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e12))
        & h18(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e13))
        & h18(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e14))
        & h18(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e10))
        & h18(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e11))
        & h18(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e12))
        & h18(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e13))
        & h18(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e14))
        & h18(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e10))
        & h18(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e11))
        & h18(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e12))
        & h18(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e13))
        & h18(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e14))
        & ( h18(e10) = e20
          | h18(e11) = e20
          | h18(e12) = e20
          | h18(e13) = e20
          | h18(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h18(e10) = e21
          | h18(e11) = e21
          | h18(e12) = e21
          | h18(e13) = e21
          | h18(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h18(e10) = e22
          | h18(e11) = e22
          | h18(e12) = e22
          | h18(e13) = e22
          | h18(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h18(e10) = e23
          | h18(e11) = e23
          | h18(e12) = e23
          | h18(e13) = e23
          | h18(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h18(e10) = e24
          | h18(e11) = e24
          | h18(e12) = e24
          | h18(e13) = e24
          | h18(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h19(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e10))
        & h19(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e11))
        & h19(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e12))
        & h19(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e13))
        & h19(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e14))
        & h19(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e10))
        & h19(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e11))
        & h19(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e12))
        & h19(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e13))
        & h19(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e14))
        & h19(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e10))
        & h19(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e11))
        & h19(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e12))
        & h19(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e13))
        & h19(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e14))
        & h19(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e10))
        & h19(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e11))
        & h19(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e12))
        & h19(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e13))
        & h19(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e14))
        & h19(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e10))
        & h19(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e11))
        & h19(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e12))
        & h19(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e13))
        & h19(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e14))
        & ( h19(e10) = e20
          | h19(e11) = e20
          | h19(e12) = e20
          | h19(e13) = e20
          | h19(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h19(e10) = e21
          | h19(e11) = e21
          | h19(e12) = e21
          | h19(e13) = e21
          | h19(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h19(e10) = e22
          | h19(e11) = e22
          | h19(e12) = e22
          | h19(e13) = e22
          | h19(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h19(e10) = e23
          | h19(e11) = e23
          | h19(e12) = e23
          | h19(e13) = e23
          | h19(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h19(e10) = e24
          | h19(e11) = e24
          | h19(e12) = e24
          | h19(e13) = e24
          | h19(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( h20(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e10))
        & h20(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e11))
        & h20(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e12))
        & h20(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e13))
        & h20(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e14))
        & h20(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e10))
        & h20(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e11))
        & h20(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e12))
        & h20(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e13))
        & h20(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e14))
        & h20(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e10))
        & h20(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e11))
        & h20(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e12))
        & h20(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e13))
        & h20(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e14))
        & h20(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e10))
        & h20(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e11))
        & h20(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e12))
        & h20(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e13))
        & h20(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e14))
        & h20(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e10))
        & h20(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e11))
        & h20(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e12))
        & h20(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e13))
        & h20(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e14))
        & ( h20(e10) = e20
          | h20(e11) = e20
          | h20(e12) = e20
          | h20(e13) = e20
          | h20(e14) = e20 )
        & ( h20(e10) = e21
          | h20(e11) = e21
          | h20(e12) = e21
          | h20(e13) = e21
          | h20(e14) = e21 )
        & ( h20(e10) = e22
          | h20(e11) = e22
          | h20(e12) = e22
          | h20(e13) = e22
          | h20(e14) = e22 )
        & ( h20(e10) = e23
          | h20(e11) = e23
          | h20(e12) = e23
          | h20(e13) = e23
          | h20(e14) = e23 )
        & ( h20(e10) = e24
          | h20(e11) = e24
          | h20(e12) = e24
          | h20(e13) = e24
          | h20(e14) = e24 ) ) ),
    inference(assume_negation,[status(cth)],[22]) ).

    ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e14))
      & h1(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h1(e14),h1(e14))
      & ( h1(e10) = e20
        | h1(e11) = e20
        | h1(e12) = e20
        | h1(e13) = e20
        | h1(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e21
        | h1(e11) = e21
        | h1(e12) = e21
        | h1(e13) = e21
        | h1(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e22
        | h1(e11) = e22
        | h1(e12) = e22
        | h1(e13) = e22
        | h1(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e23
        | h1(e11) = e23
        | h1(e12) = e23
        | h1(e13) = e23
        | h1(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred2_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e14))
      & h2(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h2(e14),h2(e14))
      & ( h2(e10) = e20
        | h2(e11) = e20
        | h2(e12) = e20
        | h2(e13) = e20
        | h2(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e21
        | h2(e11) = e21
        | h2(e12) = e21
        | h2(e13) = e21
        | h2(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e22
        | h2(e11) = e22
        | h2(e12) = e22
        | h2(e13) = e22
        | h2(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e23
        | h2(e11) = e23
        | h2(e12) = e23
        | h2(e13) = e23
        | h2(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred4_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e14))
      & h3(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h3(e14),h3(e14))
      & ( h3(e10) = e20
        | h3(e11) = e20
        | h3(e12) = e20
        | h3(e13) = e20
        | h3(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e21
        | h3(e11) = e21
        | h3(e12) = e21
        | h3(e13) = e21
        | h3(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e22
        | h3(e11) = e22
        | h3(e12) = e22
        | h3(e13) = e22
        | h3(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e23
        | h3(e11) = e23
        | h3(e12) = e23
        | h3(e13) = e23
        | h3(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred6_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e14))
      & h4(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h4(e14),h4(e14))
      & ( h4(e10) = e20
        | h4(e11) = e20
        | h4(e12) = e20
        | h4(e13) = e20
        | h4(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e21
        | h4(e11) = e21
        | h4(e12) = e21
        | h4(e13) = e21
        | h4(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e22
        | h4(e11) = e22
        | h4(e12) = e22
        | h4(e13) = e22
        | h4(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e23
        | h4(e11) = e23
        | h4(e12) = e23
        | h4(e13) = e23
        | h4(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred8_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h5(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h5(e10),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h5(e11),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h5(e12),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h5(e13),h5(e14))
      & h5(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e10))
      & h5(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e11))
      & h5(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e12))
      & h5(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e13))
      & h5(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h5(e14),h5(e14))
      & ( h5(e10) = e20
        | h5(e11) = e20
        | h5(e12) = e20
        | h5(e13) = e20
        | h5(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e21
        | h5(e11) = e21
        | h5(e12) = e21
        | h5(e13) = e21
        | h5(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e22
        | h5(e11) = e22
        | h5(e12) = e22
        | h5(e13) = e22
        | h5(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h5(e10) = e23
        | h5(e11) = e23
        | h5(e12) = e23
        | h5(e13) = e23
        | h5(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred10_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h6(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h6(e10),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h6(e11),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h6(e12),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h6(e13),h6(e14))
      & h6(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e10))
      & h6(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e11))
      & h6(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e12))
      & h6(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e13))
      & h6(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h6(e14),h6(e14))
      & ( h6(e10) = e20
        | h6(e11) = e20
        | h6(e12) = e20
        | h6(e13) = e20
        | h6(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e21
        | h6(e11) = e21
        | h6(e12) = e21
        | h6(e13) = e21
        | h6(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e22
        | h6(e11) = e22
        | h6(e12) = e22
        | h6(e13) = e22
        | h6(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h6(e10) = e23
        | h6(e11) = e23
        | h6(e12) = e23
        | h6(e13) = e23
        | h6(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred12_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h7(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h7(e10),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h7(e11),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h7(e12),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h7(e13),h7(e14))
      & h7(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e10))
      & h7(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e11))
      & h7(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e12))
      & h7(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e13))
      & h7(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h7(e14),h7(e14))
      & ( h7(e10) = e20
        | h7(e11) = e20
        | h7(e12) = e20
        | h7(e13) = e20
        | h7(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e21
        | h7(e11) = e21
        | h7(e12) = e21
        | h7(e13) = e21
        | h7(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e22
        | h7(e11) = e22
        | h7(e12) = e22
        | h7(e13) = e22
        | h7(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h7(e10) = e23
        | h7(e11) = e23
        | h7(e12) = e23
        | h7(e13) = e23
        | h7(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred14_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h8(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h8(e10),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h8(e11),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h8(e12),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h8(e13),h8(e14))
      & h8(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e10))
      & h8(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e11))
      & h8(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e12))
      & h8(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e13))
      & h8(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h8(e14),h8(e14))
      & ( h8(e10) = e20
        | h8(e11) = e20
        | h8(e12) = e20
        | h8(e13) = e20
        | h8(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e21
        | h8(e11) = e21
        | h8(e12) = e21
        | h8(e13) = e21
        | h8(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e22
        | h8(e11) = e22
        | h8(e12) = e22
        | h8(e13) = e22
        | h8(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h8(e10) = e23
        | h8(e11) = e23
        | h8(e12) = e23
        | h8(e13) = e23
        | h8(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred16_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h9(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h9(e10),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h9(e11),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h9(e12),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h9(e13),h9(e14))
      & h9(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e10))
      & h9(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e11))
      & h9(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e12))
      & h9(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e13))
      & h9(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h9(e14),h9(e14))
      & ( h9(e10) = e20
        | h9(e11) = e20
        | h9(e12) = e20
        | h9(e13) = e20
        | h9(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e21
        | h9(e11) = e21
        | h9(e12) = e21
        | h9(e13) = e21
        | h9(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e22
        | h9(e11) = e22
        | h9(e12) = e22
        | h9(e13) = e22
        | h9(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h9(e10) = e23
        | h9(e11) = e23
        | h9(e12) = e23
        | h9(e13) = e23
        | h9(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred18_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h10(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h10(e10),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h10(e11),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h10(e12),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h10(e13),h10(e14))
      & h10(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e10))
      & h10(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e11))
      & h10(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e12))
      & h10(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e13))
      & h10(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h10(e14),h10(e14))
      & ( h10(e10) = e20
        | h10(e11) = e20
        | h10(e12) = e20
        | h10(e13) = e20
        | h10(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e21
        | h10(e11) = e21
        | h10(e12) = e21
        | h10(e13) = e21
        | h10(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e22
        | h10(e11) = e22
        | h10(e12) = e22
        | h10(e13) = e22
        | h10(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h10(e10) = e23
        | h10(e11) = e23
        | h10(e12) = e23
        | h10(e13) = e23
        | h10(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred20_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h11(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h11(e10),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h11(e11),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h11(e12),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h11(e13),h11(e14))
      & h11(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e10))
      & h11(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e11))
      & h11(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e12))
      & h11(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e13))
      & h11(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h11(e14),h11(e14))
      & ( h11(e10) = e20
        | h11(e11) = e20
        | h11(e12) = e20
        | h11(e13) = e20
        | h11(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e21
        | h11(e11) = e21
        | h11(e12) = e21
        | h11(e13) = e21
        | h11(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e22
        | h11(e11) = e22
        | h11(e12) = e22
        | h11(e13) = e22
        | h11(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h11(e10) = e23
        | h11(e11) = e23
        | h11(e12) = e23
        | h11(e13) = e23
        | h11(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred22_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h12(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h12(e10),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h12(e11),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h12(e12),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h12(e13),h12(e14))
      & h12(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e10))
      & h12(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e11))
      & h12(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e12))
      & h12(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e13))
      & h12(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h12(e14),h12(e14))
      & ( h12(e10) = e20
        | h12(e11) = e20
        | h12(e12) = e20
        | h12(e13) = e20
        | h12(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e21
        | h12(e11) = e21
        | h12(e12) = e21
        | h12(e13) = e21
        | h12(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e22
        | h12(e11) = e22
        | h12(e12) = e22
        | h12(e13) = e22
        | h12(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h12(e10) = e23
        | h12(e11) = e23
        | h12(e12) = e23
        | h12(e13) = e23
        | h12(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred24_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h13(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h13(e10),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h13(e11),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h13(e12),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h13(e13),h13(e14))
      & h13(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e10))
      & h13(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e11))
      & h13(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e12))
      & h13(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e13))
      & h13(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h13(e14),h13(e14))
      & ( h13(e10) = e20
        | h13(e11) = e20
        | h13(e12) = e20
        | h13(e13) = e20
        | h13(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e21
        | h13(e11) = e21
        | h13(e12) = e21
        | h13(e13) = e21
        | h13(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e22
        | h13(e11) = e22
        | h13(e12) = e22
        | h13(e13) = e22
        | h13(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h13(e10) = e23
        | h13(e11) = e23
        | h13(e12) = e23
        | h13(e13) = e23
        | h13(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred26_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h14(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h14(e10),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h14(e11),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h14(e12),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h14(e13),h14(e14))
      & h14(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e10))
      & h14(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e11))
      & h14(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e12))
      & h14(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e13))
      & h14(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h14(e14),h14(e14))
      & ( h14(e10) = e20
        | h14(e11) = e20
        | h14(e12) = e20
        | h14(e13) = e20
        | h14(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e21
        | h14(e11) = e21
        | h14(e12) = e21
        | h14(e13) = e21
        | h14(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e22
        | h14(e11) = e22
        | h14(e12) = e22
        | h14(e13) = e22
        | h14(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h14(e10) = e23
        | h14(e11) = e23
        | h14(e12) = e23
        | h14(e13) = e23
        | h14(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred28_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h15(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      & ( h15(e10) = e20
        | h15(e11) = e20
        | h15(e12) = e20
        | h15(e13) = e20
        | h15(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e21
        | h15(e11) = e21
        | h15(e12) = e21
        | h15(e13) = e21
        | h15(e14) = e21 ) )
   => epred29_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h15(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      & h15(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      & h15(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      & h15(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      & h15(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      & h15(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      & ( h15(e10) = e20
        | h15(e11) = e20
        | h15(e12) = e20
        | h15(e13) = e20
        | h15(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e21
        | h15(e11) = e21
        | h15(e12) = e21
        | h15(e13) = e21
        | h15(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e22
        | h15(e11) = e22
        | h15(e12) = e22
        | h15(e13) = e22
        | h15(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e23
        | h15(e11) = e23
        | h15(e12) = e23
        | h15(e13) = e23
        | h15(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred30_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h16(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h16(e10),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h16(e11),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h16(e12),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h16(e13),h16(e14))
      & h16(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e10))
      & h16(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e11))
      & h16(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e12))
      & h16(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e13))
      & h16(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h16(e14),h16(e14))
      & ( h16(e10) = e20
        | h16(e11) = e20
        | h16(e12) = e20
        | h16(e13) = e20
        | h16(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e21
        | h16(e11) = e21
        | h16(e12) = e21
        | h16(e13) = e21
        | h16(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e22
        | h16(e11) = e22
        | h16(e12) = e22
        | h16(e13) = e22
        | h16(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h16(e10) = e23
        | h16(e11) = e23
        | h16(e12) = e23
        | h16(e13) = e23
        | h16(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred32_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h17(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h17(e10),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h17(e11),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h17(e12),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h17(e13),h17(e14))
      & h17(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e10))
      & h17(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e11))
      & h17(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e12))
      & h17(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e13))
      & h17(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h17(e14),h17(e14))
      & ( h17(e10) = e20
        | h17(e11) = e20
        | h17(e12) = e20
        | h17(e13) = e20
        | h17(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e21
        | h17(e11) = e21
        | h17(e12) = e21
        | h17(e13) = e21
        | h17(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e22
        | h17(e11) = e22
        | h17(e12) = e22
        | h17(e13) = e22
        | h17(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h17(e10) = e23
        | h17(e11) = e23
        | h17(e12) = e23
        | h17(e13) = e23
        | h17(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred34_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h18(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h18(e10),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h18(e11),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h18(e12),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h18(e13),h18(e14))
      & h18(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e10))
      & h18(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e11))
      & h18(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e12))
      & h18(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e13))
      & h18(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h18(e14),h18(e14))
      & ( h18(e10) = e20
        | h18(e11) = e20
        | h18(e12) = e20
        | h18(e13) = e20
        | h18(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e21
        | h18(e11) = e21
        | h18(e12) = e21
        | h18(e13) = e21
        | h18(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e22
        | h18(e11) = e22
        | h18(e12) = e22
        | h18(e13) = e22
        | h18(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h18(e10) = e23
        | h18(e11) = e23
        | h18(e12) = e23
        | h18(e13) = e23
        | h18(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred36_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h19(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h19(e10),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h19(e11),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h19(e12),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h19(e13),h19(e14))
      & h19(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e10))
      & h19(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e11))
      & h19(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e12))
      & h19(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e13))
      & h19(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h19(e14),h19(e14))
      & ( h19(e10) = e20
        | h19(e11) = e20
        | h19(e12) = e20
        | h19(e13) = e20
        | h19(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e21
        | h19(e11) = e21
        | h19(e12) = e21
        | h19(e13) = e21
        | h19(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e22
        | h19(e11) = e22
        | h19(e12) = e22
        | h19(e13) = e22
        | h19(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h19(e10) = e23
        | h19(e11) = e23
        | h19(e12) = e23
        | h19(e13) = e23
        | h19(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred38_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h20(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e10,e14)) = op2(h20(e10),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e11,e14)) = op2(h20(e11),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e12,e14)) = op2(h20(e12),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e13,e14)) = op2(h20(e13),h20(e14))
      & h20(op1(e14,e10)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e10))
      & h20(op1(e14,e11)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e11))
      & h20(op1(e14,e12)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e12))
      & h20(op1(e14,e13)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e13))
      & h20(op1(e14,e14)) = op2(h20(e14),h20(e14))
      & ( h20(e10) = e20
        | h20(e11) = e20
        | h20(e12) = e20
        | h20(e13) = e20
        | h20(e14) = e20 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e21
        | h20(e11) = e21
        | h20(e12) = e21
        | h20(e13) = e21
        | h20(e14) = e21 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e22
        | h20(e11) = e22
        | h20(e12) = e22
        | h20(e13) = e22
        | h20(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h20(e10) = e23
        | h20(e11) = e23
        | h20(e12) = e23
        | h20(e13) = e23
        | h20(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred40_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ~ ( ( epred2_0
        & ( h1(e10) = e24
          | h1(e11) = e24
          | h1(e12) = e24
          | h1(e13) = e24
          | h1(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred4_0
        & ( h2(e10) = e24
          | h2(e11) = e24
          | h2(e12) = e24
          | h2(e13) = e24
          | h2(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred6_0
        & ( h3(e10) = e24
          | h3(e11) = e24
          | h3(e12) = e24
          | h3(e13) = e24
          | h3(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred8_0
        & ( h4(e10) = e24
          | h4(e11) = e24
          | h4(e12) = e24
          | h4(e13) = e24
          | h4(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred10_0
        & ( h5(e10) = e24
          | h5(e11) = e24
          | h5(e12) = e24
          | h5(e13) = e24
          | h5(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred12_0
        & ( h6(e10) = e24
          | h6(e11) = e24
          | h6(e12) = e24
          | h6(e13) = e24
          | h6(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred14_0
        & ( h7(e10) = e24
          | h7(e11) = e24
          | h7(e12) = e24
          | h7(e13) = e24
          | h7(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred16_0
        & ( h8(e10) = e24
          | h8(e11) = e24
          | h8(e12) = e24
          | h8(e13) = e24
          | h8(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred18_0
        & ( h9(e10) = e24
          | h9(e11) = e24
          | h9(e12) = e24
          | h9(e13) = e24
          | h9(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred20_0
        & ( h10(e10) = e24
          | h10(e11) = e24
          | h10(e12) = e24
          | h10(e13) = e24
          | h10(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred22_0
        & ( h11(e10) = e24
          | h11(e11) = e24
          | h11(e12) = e24
          | h11(e13) = e24
          | h11(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred24_0
        & ( h12(e10) = e24
          | h12(e11) = e24
          | h12(e12) = e24
          | h12(e13) = e24
          | h12(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred26_0
        & ( h13(e10) = e24
          | h13(e11) = e24
          | h13(e12) = e24
          | h13(e13) = e24
          | h13(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred28_0
        & ( h14(e10) = e24
          | h14(e11) = e24
          | h14(e12) = e24
          | h14(e13) = e24
          | h14(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred30_0
        & ( h15(e10) = e24
          | h15(e11) = e24
          | h15(e12) = e24
          | h15(e13) = e24
          | h15(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred32_0
        & ( h16(e10) = e24
          | h16(e11) = e24
          | h16(e12) = e24
          | h16(e13) = e24
          | h16(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred34_0
        & ( h17(e10) = e24
          | h17(e11) = e24
          | h17(e12) = e24
          | h17(e13) = e24
          | h17(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred36_0
        & ( h18(e10) = e24
          | h18(e11) = e24
          | h18(e12) = e24
          | h18(e13) = e24
          | h18(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred38_0
        & ( h19(e10) = e24
          | h19(e11) = e24
          | h19(e12) = e24
          | h19(e13) = e24
          | h19(e14) = e24 ) )
      | ( epred40_0
        & ( h20(e10) = e24
          | h20(e11) = e24
          | h20(e12) = e24
          | h20(e13) = e24
          | h20(e14) = e24 ) ) ),
    inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[37,39,theory(equality)]),41,theory(equality)]),43,theory(equality)]),45,theory(equality)]),47,theory(equality)]),49,theory(equality)]),51,theory(equality)]),53,theory(equality)]),55,theory(equality)]),57,theory(equality)]),59,theory(equality)]),61,theory(equality)]),63,theory(equality)]),65,theory(equality)]),67,theory(equality)]),69,theory(equality)]),71,theory(equality)]),73,theory(equality)]),75,theory(equality)]),77,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( ( epred29_0
      & ( h15(e10) = e22
        | h15(e11) = e22
        | h15(e12) = e22
        | h15(e13) = e22
        | h15(e14) = e22 )
      & ( h15(e10) = e23
        | h15(e11) = e23
        | h15(e12) = e23
        | h15(e13) = e23
        | h15(e14) = e23 ) )
   => epred30_0 ),
    inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[67,66,theory(equality)]) ).

    h20(e14) = op2(e23,e24),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    h20(e10) = op2(op2(e23,e24),e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    h14(e14) = op2(e21,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[3]) ).

    h13(e14) = op2(e20,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    h13(e12) = op2(e20,op2(op2(e20,e23),e20)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    h10(e14) = op2(e21,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    h9(e14) = op2(e20,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    h12(e14) = op2(e24,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    h11(e14) = op2(e23,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    h6(e14) = op2(e22,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[9]) ).

    h5(e14) = op2(e20,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[10]) ).

    h8(e14) = op2(e24,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e14) = e14
    | op1(e14,e13) = e14
    | op1(e14,e12) = e14
    | op1(e14,e11) = e14
    | op1(e14,e10) = e14 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e14) = e13
    | op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e11) = e13
    | op1(e13,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e14) = e10
    | op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | op1(e13,e11) = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e12) = e12
    | op1(e13,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e11,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e11) = e11
    | op1(e13,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e10,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e11) = e10
    | op1(e13,e11) = e10
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10
    | op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e10,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e10) = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e11,e10) = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    op1(op1(e13,e14),op1(e14,e13)) = e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[14]) ).

    op1(op1(e14,e13),op1(e13,e14)) = e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[14]) ).

    op1(op1(e11,e13),op1(e13,e11)) = e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[14]) ).

    op1(op1(e10,e13),op1(e13,e10)) = e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[14]) ).

    op1(op1(e13,e12),op1(e12,e13)) = e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[14]) ).

    op1(op1(e13,e11),op1(e11,e13)) = e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[14]) ).

    op2(op2(e23,e24),op2(e24,e23)) = e24,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    op2(op2(e21,e24),op2(e24,e21)) = e24,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    op2(op2(e24,e23),op2(e23,e24)) = e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    op2(op2(e20,e23),op2(e23,e20)) = e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    op2(op2(e23,e21),op2(e21,e23)) = e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    op1(e14,e11) != op1(e14,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    op1(e14,e10) != op1(e14,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    op1(e13,e13) != op1(e14,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    op1(e13,e11) != op1(e14,e11),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | op2(e24,e23) = e24
    | op2(e24,e22) = e24
    | op2(e24,e21) = e24
    | op2(e24,e20) = e24 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e23) = e24
    | op2(e23,e23) = e24
    | op2(e22,e23) = e24
    | op2(e21,e23) = e24
    | op2(e20,e23) = e24 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e24) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e21) = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e24) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e23,e22) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | op2(e20,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e21) = e21
    | op2(e23,e21) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e20,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e22,e21) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e21) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e20) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20
    | op2(e22,e20) = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[19]) ).

    op2(e24,e21) != op2(e24,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op2(e24,e20) != op2(e24,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op2(e23,e23) != op2(e24,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op2(e23,e21) != op2(e24,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    e13 != e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e12 != e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e12 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e11 != e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e11 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e11 != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e10 != e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e10 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e10 != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e10 != e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    ( ( ~ epred2_0
      | ( h1(e10) != e24
        & h1(e11) != e24
        & h1(e12) != e24
        & h1(e13) != e24
        & h1(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred4_0
      | ( h2(e10) != e24
        & h2(e11) != e24
        & h2(e12) != e24
        & h2(e13) != e24
        & h2(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred6_0
      | ( h3(e10) != e24
        & h3(e11) != e24
        & h3(e12) != e24
        & h3(e13) != e24
        & h3(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred8_0
      | ( h4(e10) != e24
        & h4(e11) != e24
        & h4(e12) != e24
        & h4(e13) != e24
        & h4(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred10_0
      | ( h5(e10) != e24
        & h5(e11) != e24
        & h5(e12) != e24
        & h5(e13) != e24
        & h5(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred12_0
      | ( h6(e10) != e24
        & h6(e11) != e24
        & h6(e12) != e24
        & h6(e13) != e24
        & h6(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred14_0
      | ( h7(e10) != e24
        & h7(e11) != e24
        & h7(e12) != e24
        & h7(e13) != e24
        & h7(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred16_0
      | ( h8(e10) != e24
        & h8(e11) != e24
        & h8(e12) != e24
        & h8(e13) != e24
        & h8(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred18_0
      | ( h9(e10) != e24
        & h9(e11) != e24
        & h9(e12) != e24
        & h9(e13) != e24
        & h9(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred20_0
      | ( h10(e10) != e24
        & h10(e11) != e24
        & h10(e12) != e24
        & h10(e13) != e24
        & h10(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred22_0
      | ( h11(e10) != e24
        & h11(e11) != e24
        & h11(e12) != e24
        & h11(e13) != e24
        & h11(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred24_0
      | ( h12(e10) != e24
        & h12(e11) != e24
        & h12(e12) != e24
        & h12(e13) != e24
        & h12(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred26_0
      | ( h13(e10) != e24
        & h13(e11) != e24
        & h13(e12) != e24
        & h13(e13) != e24
        & h13(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred28_0
      | ( h14(e10) != e24
        & h14(e11) != e24
        & h14(e12) != e24
        & h14(e13) != e24
        & h14(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred30_0
      | ( h15(e10) != e24
        & h15(e11) != e24
        & h15(e12) != e24
        & h15(e13) != e24
        & h15(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred32_0
      | ( h16(e10) != e24
        & h16(e11) != e24
        & h16(e12) != e24
        & h16(e13) != e24
        & h16(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred34_0
      | ( h17(e10) != e24
        & h17(e11) != e24
        & h17(e12) != e24
        & h17(e13) != e24
        & h17(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred36_0
      | ( h18(e10) != e24
        & h18(e11) != e24
        & h18(e12) != e24
        & h18(e13) != e24
        & h18(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred38_0
      | ( h19(e10) != e24
        & h19(e11) != e24
        & h19(e12) != e24
        & h19(e13) != e24
        & h19(e14) != e24 ) )
    & ( ~ epred40_0
      | ( h20(e10) != e24
        & h20(e11) != e24
        & h20(e12) != e24
        & h20(e13) != e24
        & h20(e14) != e24 ) ) ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[78]) ).

    ( ( h1(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h1(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h1(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h1(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h1(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h2(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h3(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred6_0 )
    & ( h3(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred6_0 )
    & ( h3(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred6_0 )
    & ( h3(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred6_0 )
    & ( h3(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred6_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred8_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred8_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred8_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred8_0 )
    & ( h4(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred8_0 )
    & ( h5(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred10_0 )
    & ( h5(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred10_0 )
    & ( h5(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred10_0 )
    & ( h5(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred10_0 )
    & ( h5(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred10_0 )
    & ( h6(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred12_0 )
    & ( h6(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred12_0 )
    & ( h6(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred12_0 )
    & ( h6(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred12_0 )
    & ( h6(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred12_0 )
    & ( h7(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred14_0 )
    & ( h7(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred14_0 )
    & ( h7(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred14_0 )
    & ( h7(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred14_0 )
    & ( h7(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred14_0 )
    & ( h8(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred16_0 )
    & ( h8(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred16_0 )
    & ( h8(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred16_0 )
    & ( h8(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred16_0 )
    & ( h8(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred16_0 )
    & ( h9(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred18_0 )
    & ( h9(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred18_0 )
    & ( h9(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred18_0 )
    & ( h9(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred18_0 )
    & ( h9(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred18_0 )
    & ( h10(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred20_0 )
    & ( h10(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred20_0 )
    & ( h10(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred20_0 )
    & ( h10(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred20_0 )
    & ( h10(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred20_0 )
    & ( h11(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred22_0 )
    & ( h11(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred22_0 )
    & ( h11(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred22_0 )
    & ( h11(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred22_0 )
    & ( h11(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred22_0 )
    & ( h12(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred24_0 )
    & ( h12(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred24_0 )
    & ( h12(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred24_0 )
    & ( h12(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred24_0 )
    & ( h12(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred24_0 )
    & ( h13(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred26_0 )
    & ( h13(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred26_0 )
    & ( h13(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred26_0 )
    & ( h13(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred26_0 )
    & ( h13(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred26_0 )
    & ( h14(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred28_0 )
    & ( h14(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred28_0 )
    & ( h14(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred28_0 )
    & ( h14(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred28_0 )
    & ( h14(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred28_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred30_0 )
    & ( h16(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred32_0 )
    & ( h16(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred32_0 )
    & ( h16(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred32_0 )
    & ( h16(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred32_0 )
    & ( h16(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred32_0 )
    & ( h17(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred34_0 )
    & ( h17(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred34_0 )
    & ( h17(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred34_0 )
    & ( h17(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred34_0 )
    & ( h17(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred34_0 )
    & ( h18(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred36_0 )
    & ( h18(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred36_0 )
    & ( h18(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred36_0 )
    & ( h18(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred36_0 )
    & ( h18(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred36_0 )
    & ( h19(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred38_0 )
    & ( h19(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred38_0 )
    & ( h19(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred38_0 )
    & ( h19(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred38_0 )
    & ( h19(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred38_0 )
    & ( h20(e10) != e24
      | ~ epred40_0 )
    & ( h20(e11) != e24
      | ~ epred40_0 )
    & ( h20(e12) != e24
      | ~ epred40_0 )
    & ( h20(e13) != e24
      | ~ epred40_0 )
    & ( h20(e14) != e24
      | ~ epred40_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[569]) ).

    ( ~ epred30_0
    | h15(e14) != e24 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[570]) ).

    e14 = op1(e13,e11),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[23]) ).

    e12 = op1(e13,op1(op1(e13,e11),e13)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[23]) ).

    e10 = op1(op1(e13,e11),e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[23]) ).

    e24 = op2(e23,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[24]) ).

    e22 = op2(e23,op2(op2(e23,e21),e23)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[24]) ).

    e20 = op2(op2(e23,e21),e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[24]) ).

    h1(e14) = op2(e21,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[25]) ).

    h2(e14) = op2(e22,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[26]) ).

    e23 != e24,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e22 != e24,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e22 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e21 != e24,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e21 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e21 != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e20 != e24,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e20 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e20 != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    e20 != e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[27]) ).

    op1(e14,op1(e14,e13)) = e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e14,op1(e14,e12)) = e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e13,op1(e13,e11)) = e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e12,op1(e12,e14)) = e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e12,op1(e12,e11)) = e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e11,op1(e11,e12)) = e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e11,op1(e11,e11)) = e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e11,op1(e11,e10)) = e10,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e10,op1(e10,e14)) = e14,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op1(e10,op1(e10,e11)) = e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[29]) ).

    op2(e24,op2(e24,e23)) = e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e24,op2(e24,e22)) = e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e23,op2(e23,e21)) = e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e22,op2(e22,e23)) = e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e22,op2(e22,e21)) = e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e21,op2(e21,e22)) = e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)) = e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e21,op2(e21,e20)) = e20,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e20,op2(e20,e22)) = e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    op2(e20,op2(e20,e21)) = e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[30]) ).

    h4(e14) = op2(e24,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[32]) ).

    h17(e14) = op2(e20,e24),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[33]) ).

    h18(e14) = op2(e21,e24),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[34]) ).

    h15(e14) = op2(e22,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[35]) ).

    h15(e12) = op2(e22,op2(op2(e22,e23),e22)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[35]) ).

    h15(e10) = op2(op2(e22,e23),e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[35]) ).

    h15(e13) = e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[35]) ).

    h15(e11) = e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[35]) ).

    h16(e14) = op2(e24,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[36]) ).

    h16(e10) = op2(op2(e24,e23),e24),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[36]) ).

    ( h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
    | ( h15(e10) != e20
      & h15(e11) != e20
      & h15(e12) != e20
      & h15(e13) != e20
      & h15(e14) != e20 )
    | ( h15(e10) != e21
      & h15(e11) != e21
      & h15(e12) != e21
      & h15(e13) != e21
      & h15(e14) != e21 )
    | epred29_0 ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[66]) ).

    ( ( h15(e10) != e21
      | h15(e10) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e21
      | h15(e10) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e21
      | h15(e10) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e21
      | h15(e10) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e21
      | h15(e10) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e21
      | h15(e11) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e21
      | h15(e11) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e21
      | h15(e11) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e21
      | h15(e11) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e21
      | h15(e11) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e21
      | h15(e12) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e21
      | h15(e12) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e21
      | h15(e12) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e21
      | h15(e12) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e21
      | h15(e12) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e21
      | h15(e13) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e21
      | h15(e13) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e21
      | h15(e13) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e21
      | h15(e13) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e21
      | h15(e13) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e21
      | h15(e14) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e21
      | h15(e14) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e21
      | h15(e14) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e21
      | h15(e14) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e21
      | h15(e14) != e20
      | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
      | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
      | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
      | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
      | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
      | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
      | epred29_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[1558]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(op1(e14,e14)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e14,e13)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e14,e12)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e14,e10)) != op2(h15(e14),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e13,e14)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h15(e13),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e12,e14)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h15(e12),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h15(e11),h15(e10))
    | h15(op1(e10,e14)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e13))
    | h15(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e11))
    | h15(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h15(e10),h15(e10))
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | h15(e10) != e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1559]) ).

    ( ~ epred29_0
    | ( h15(e10) != e22
      & h15(e11) != e22
      & h15(e12) != e22
      & h15(e13) != e22
      & h15(e14) != e22 )
    | ( h15(e10) != e23
      & h15(e11) != e23
      & h15(e12) != e23
      & h15(e13) != e23
      & h15(e14) != e23 )
    | epred30_0 ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[93]) ).

    ( ( h15(e10) != e23
      | h15(e10) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e23
      | h15(e10) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e23
      | h15(e10) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e23
      | h15(e10) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e23
      | h15(e10) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e23
      | h15(e11) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e23
      | h15(e11) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e23
      | h15(e11) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e23
      | h15(e11) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e23
      | h15(e11) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e23
      | h15(e12) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e23
      | h15(e12) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e23
      | h15(e12) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e23
      | h15(e12) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e23
      | h15(e12) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e23
      | h15(e13) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e23
      | h15(e13) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e23
      | h15(e13) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e23
      | h15(e13) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e23
      | h15(e13) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e10) != e23
      | h15(e14) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e11) != e23
      | h15(e14) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e12) != e23
      | h15(e14) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e13) != e23
      | h15(e14) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 )
    & ( h15(e14) != e23
      | h15(e14) != e22
      | ~ epred29_0
      | epred30_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[1585]) ).

    ( epred30_0
    | ~ epred29_0
    | h15(e13) != e22
    | h15(e11) != e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1586]) ).

    op1(e13,e14) = e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[730,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,h12(e14)) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[749,129,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e13) = e10,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[673,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e10) = e13,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[723,1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,h16(e14)) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[748,797,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,h15(e14)) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[758,792,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,h6(e14)) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[760,139,theory(equality)]) ).

    h20(e14) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[755,674,theory(equality)]),104,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,h10(e14)) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[764,119,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,h1(e14)) = e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[766,677,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e11) != e14,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[364,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e13,e13),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[344,1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,h9(e14)) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[769,124,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e14,e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[288,1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e10) != e10,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[291,1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,h5(e14)) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[770,144,theory(equality)]) ).

    h16(e14) = e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[676,674,theory(equality)]),797,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,e20) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1944,2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    h4(e14) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2114,777,theory(equality)]) ).

    h8(e14) != op2(e24,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[463,149,theory(equality)]) ).

    h8(e14) != e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2154,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    h4(e14) != op2(e24,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[466,777,theory(equality)]) ).

    h4(e14) != e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2169,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e23) != e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[519,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    e24 != op2(e24,e21),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[539,674,theory(equality)]) ).

    e24 != h8(e14),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2581,149,theory(equality)]) ).

    e24 != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[473,674,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred30_0
    | $false
    | h15(e13) != e22
    | ~ epred29_0 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1595,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred30_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | ~ epred29_0 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2638,795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred30_0
    | ~ epred29_0 ),
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[2639,theory(equality)]) ).

    h17(e14) = h16(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[799,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]),782,theory(equality)]) ).

    h14(e14) = h20(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[106,104,theory(equality)]),2011,theory(equality)]),109,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(op1(e11,e13),e14) = e13,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[217,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    h1(e14) != op2(e21,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[496,677,theory(equality)]) ).

    h1(e14) != h20(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3071,109,theory(equality)]),3037,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,op1(e11,e13)) = e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[225,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e10) = e14,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[210,1919,theory(equality)]),1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e14) = e10,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[741,3074,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e11) = e13,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[214,1938,theory(equality)]),1919,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) = e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[745,3092,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e10) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[672,671,theory(equality)]),1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(op1(e10,e13),e12) = e13,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[218,3104,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h15(e14),e22) = h15(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[794,792,theory(equality)]) ).

    h5(e14) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[264,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]),104,theory(equality)]),2011,theory(equality)]),144,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2099,3152,theory(equality)]) ).

    h13(e14) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3154,114,theory(equality)]) ).

    h1(e14) = e24,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[260,104,theory(equality)]),2011,theory(equality)]),797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]),677,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e24) = e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2055,3177,theory(equality)]) ).

    h18(e14) = e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3180,787,theory(equality)]) ).

    e24 != h20(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3072,3177,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h18(e14),h8(e14)) = e24,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[262,787,theory(equality)]),149,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,h20(e10)) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[275,674,theory(equality)]),109,theory(equality)]),3037,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h13(e14),op2(e23,e20)) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[268,114,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e20) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[675,674,theory(equality)]),797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,h15(e10)) = h15(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[793,792,theory(equality)]),3126,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,op2(h13(e14),e20)) = h13(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[115,114,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24
    | op2(e24,e23) = e24
    | op2(e24,e21) = e24
    | op2(e24,e20) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[410,129,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24
    | e20 = e24
    | op2(e24,e21) = e24
    | op2(e24,e20) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3264,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24
    | e20 = e24
    | h8(e14) = e24
    | op2(e24,e20) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3265,149,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24
    | e20 = e24
    | h8(e14) = e24
    | h4(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3266,777,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24
    | h8(e14) = e24
    | h4(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3267,693,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24
    | h4(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3268,2582,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | e14 = e11
    | op1(e10,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e14,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[195,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | e14 = e11
    | e13 = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e14,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3303,3092,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | e13 = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e14,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3304,562,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e14,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3305,563,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | e14 = e10
    | op1(e10,e11) = e10
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10
    | op1(e14,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[197,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | e14 = e10
    | e13 = e10
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10
    | op1(e14,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3347,3092,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | e13 = e10
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10
    | op1(e14,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3348,565,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10
    | op1(e14,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3349,566,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3350,2081,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(spm,[status(thm)],[740,3351,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3352,3074,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e11) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3360,562,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e14,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[207,3074,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e14,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3586,3104,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e14,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3587,565,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e14,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3588,567,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3589,2092,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e13
    | op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | op1(e13,e10) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e14) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[172,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e13
    | op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | e12 = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e14) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3830,3104,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e13
    | op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | e12 = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | e11 = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3831,1919,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | e13 = e12
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | e13 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3832,559,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | e13 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3833,561,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3834,563,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e10
    | op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | op1(e13,e14) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[178,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e10
    | op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | op1(e13,e14) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3847,3104,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e14 = e10
    | op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3848,1919,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3849,565,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3850,2068,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3851,567,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e12) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3852,568,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,op1(e12,e13)) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[220,3853,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e10 = e13
    | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3835,3853,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e13) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3865,566,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12
    | e10 = e12
    | op1(e11,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[183,3853,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12
    | op1(e11,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[3867,567,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h12(e14) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | op2(e20,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[433,129,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h12(e14) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | h11(e14) = e22
    | op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | op2(e20,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3910,134,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h12(e14) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | h11(e14) = e22
    | h10(e14) = e22
    | op2(e20,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3911,119,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h12(e14) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | h11(e14) = e22
    | h10(e14) = e22
    | h9(e14) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3912,124,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e24
    | op2(e22,e23) = e24
    | op2(e23,e23) = e24
    | op2(e21,e23) = e24
    | op2(e20,e23) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[419,797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e24
    | h15(e14) = e24
    | op2(e23,e23) = e24
    | op2(e21,e23) = e24
    | op2(e20,e23) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4198,792,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e24
    | h15(e14) = e24
    | op2(e23,e23) = e24
    | h20(e10) = e24
    | op2(e20,e23) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4199,109,theory(equality)]),3037,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e24
    | h15(e14) = e24
    | op2(e23,e23) = e24
    | h20(e10) = e24
    | h13(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4200,114,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h15(e14) = e24
    | op2(e23,e23) = e24
    | h20(e10) = e24
    | h13(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4201,693,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h15(e14) = e24
    | h20(e10) = e24
    | h13(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4202,2637,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e11) = e14
    | e10 = e14
    | op1(e14,e10) = e14
    | op1(e14,e12) = e14
    | op1(e14,e14) = e14 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[160,1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e10 = e14
    | op1(e14,e10) = e14
    | op1(e14,e12) = e14
    | op1(e14,e14) = e14 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4343,2057,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e10) = e14
    | op1(e14,e12) = e14
    | op1(e14,e14) = e14 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4344,565,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e23,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e20,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[445,149,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e21
    | h6(e14) = e21
    | op2(e23,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e20,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4539,139,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e21
    | h6(e14) = e21
    | e24 = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e20,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4540,674,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e21
    | h6(e14) = e21
    | e24 = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | e23 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4541,144,theory(equality)]),3152,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e21
    | h6(e14) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | e23 = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4542,690,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e21
    | h6(e14) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4543,691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e20
    | op2(e22,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e21) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[447,149,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e20
    | h6(e14) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e21) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4591,139,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e20
    | h6(e14) = e20
    | e24 = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e21) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4592,674,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h8(e14) = e20
    | h6(e14) = e20
    | e24 = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | e23 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4593,144,theory(equality)]),3152,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h6(e14) = e20
    | e20 = e24
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | e23 = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4594,2155,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h6(e14) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | e23 = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4595,693,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h6(e14) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4596,694,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h6(e14) = e20 ),
    inference(spm,[status(thm)],[765,4597,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e24 = e21
    | h6(e14) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4598,677,theory(equality)]),3177,theory(equality)]) ).

    h6(e14) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4608,690,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h4(e14) = e20
    | op2(e22,e20) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[457,777,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h4(e14) = e20
    | h2(e14) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4653,682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h4(e14) = e20
    | h2(e14) = e20
    | e22 = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4654,3225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h4(e14) = e20
    | h2(e14) = e20
    | e22 = e20
    | e24 = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4655,677,theory(equality)]),3177,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e14) = e20
    | e20 = e22
    | e20 = e24
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4656,2170,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e14) = e20
    | e20 = e24
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4657,695,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e14) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4658,693,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | op2(e23,e21) = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[422,104,theory(equality)]),2011,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e23
    | h11(e14) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | op2(e23,e21) = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4889,134,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e23
    | h11(e14) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | e24 = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4890,674,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e23
    | h11(e14) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | e24 = e23
    | e22 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4891,3225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h11(e14) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | e23 = e24
    | e23 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4892,691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h11(e14) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | e23 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4893,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h11(e14) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4894,689,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e20
    | op2(e23,e22) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[428,104,theory(equality)]),2011,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e20
    | h11(e14) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4910,134,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e20
    | h11(e14) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | e24 = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4911,674,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e20
    | h11(e14) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | e24 = e20
    | e22 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4912,3225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h11(e14) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | e20 = e24
    | e20 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4913,696,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h11(e14) = e20
    | e20 = e24
    | e20 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4914,2524,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h11(e14) = e20
    | e20 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4915,693,theory(equality)]) ).

    h11(e14) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4916,695,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | e20 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4895,4917,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e23) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4933,694,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | h9(e14) = e22
    | h10(e14) = e22
    | e20 = e22
    | h12(e14) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3913,4917,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | h9(e14) = e22
    | h10(e14) = e22
    | h12(e14) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4938,695,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1574,796,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15433,796,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]),134,theory(equality)]),4917,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15434,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15435,3074,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h15(e11),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15436,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15437,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | h15(e14) != h15(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15438,795,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]),792,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15439,671,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15440,795,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | h15(e12) != h15(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15441,795,theory(equality)]),3227,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15442,3104,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15443,795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | op2(h15(e13),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15444,3853,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | e23 != h15(op1(e13,e14))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15445,795,theory(equality)]),1969,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15446,1919,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != h15(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15447,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15448,3092,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15449,795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),e23) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15450,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),e23) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),e22) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e11)) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15451,795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),e23) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),e22) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),e23) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e13)) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15452,796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),e23) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),e22) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),e23) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | h15(e10) != h15(op1(e14,e13))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15453,795,theory(equality)]),3126,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),e23) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),e22) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),e23) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15454,1938,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20
    | op2(e23,e23) != h15(op1(e11,e11))
    | e20 != h15(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e23,h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e23,h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e11,e14))
    | op2(e22,e22) != h15(op1(e13,e13))
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | op2(h15(e10),e22) != h15(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),e23) != h15(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h15(e12),e22) != h15(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),e23) != h15(op1(e14,e11))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14)) ),
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[15455,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e20) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1978,4609,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e14) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19152,682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | e20 = e21
    | h8(e14) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4544,4609,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | h8(e14) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19205,696,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e10) = e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[735,3361,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e11) = e11
    | e10 = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3306,3361,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e11) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19264,568,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | e23 = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3269,2115,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | h12(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19295,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e14) = e14
    | op1(e14,e12) = e14
    | e13 = e14 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4345,1939,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e14) = e14
    | op1(e14,e12) = e14 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19323,559,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e21 = e24
    | h20(e10) = e24
    | h15(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4203,3155,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h20(e10) = e24
    | h15(e14) = e24 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19360,690,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,h8(e14)) = e24,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3199,3181,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4659,19153,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e20) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19448,696,theory(equality)]) ).

    h15(e14) = e24,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19361,3186,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,e22) = h15(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3126,19502,theory(equality)]) ).

    h12(e14) = h15(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19505,129,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | ~ epred30_0 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[596,19502,theory(equality)]) ).

    ~ epred30_0,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[19519,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,h12(e14)) = h15(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3227,19506,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e11 = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3590,19213,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e10) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19639,568,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e12) = e13,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3105,3095,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e13) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[739,19747,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e12) = e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3073,19748,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e14) = e13,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3068,19748,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e11) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[724,19760,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e13) = e14,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[732,19761,theory(equality)]) ).

    h10(e14) = e23,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3222,3155,theory(equality)]),3225,theory(equality)]),119,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e23) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2037,19881,theory(equality)]) ).

    h20(e10) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19886,109,theory(equality)]),3037,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,e22) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3215,19887,theory(equality)]) ).

    h12(e14) = e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19913,129,theory(equality)]) ).

    h16(e10) = h13(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3256,3155,theory(equality)]),677,theory(equality)]),3177,theory(equality)]),782,theory(equality)]),3011,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,e21) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1935,19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    h8(e14) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19954,149,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e24,e24) = e24
    | e21 = e24 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19296,19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e24,e24) = e24,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[19964,690,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e14) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3855,19780,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e12) = e14,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[742,20062,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e11 = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12
    | op1(e11,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3868,19760,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e11 = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e14 = e12
    | op1(e11,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20076,20063,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e11 = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e14 = e12
    | e13 = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20077,19747,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e12 = e14
    | e13 = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20078,564,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e13 = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20079,560,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20080,561,theory(equality)]) ).

    h9(e14) = e24,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19378,19955,theory(equality)]),124,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e24) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2077,20089,theory(equality)]) ).

    h13(e12) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20096,782,theory(equality)]),3011,theory(equality)]),19933,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | e24 = e22
    | h10(e14) = e22
    | h12(e14) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4939,20089,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | e24 = e22
    | e23 = e22
    | h12(e14) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20161,19881,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | e24 = e22
    | e23 = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20162,19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | e23 = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20163,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20164,689,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e22) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20165,692,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 = h15(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19522,19914,theory(equality)]),139,theory(equality)]),4609,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19265,19770,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e11) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20402,564,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e14,e14) = e14
    | e11 = e14 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19324,19760,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e14,e14) = e14,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20462,562,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != h15(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[15456,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20697,19640,theory(equality)]),19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | e24 != h15(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20698,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]),677,theory(equality)]),3177,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20699,20063,theory(equality)]),19502,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | e20 != h15(op1(e10,e14))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20700,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),19502,theory(equality)]),787,theory(equality)]),3181,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20701,20062,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != h15(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20702,20197,theory(equality)]),19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),144,theory(equality)]),3152,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20703,19213,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e20 != h15(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20704,20197,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]),19449,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e12),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20705,20081,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != h15(op1(e12,e14))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20706,20197,theory(equality)]),19502,theory(equality)]),782,theory(equality)]),3011,theory(equality)]),19933,theory(equality)]),20097,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e10)) != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20707,19761,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != h15(op1(e14,e10))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20708,19502,theory(equality)]),19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),149,theory(equality)]),19955,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e12)) != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20709,1939,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != h15(op1(e14,e12))
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20710,19502,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]),777,theory(equality)]),2115,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e14),h15(e14)) != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20711,19760,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e24 != h15(op1(e14,e14))
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20712,19502,theory(equality)]),19502,theory(equality)]),19965,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20713,20463,theory(equality)]),19502,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != op2(e23,h15(e12))
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20714,19747,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e11,e14)) != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20715,20197,theory(equality)]),3225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != op2(e23,h15(e14))
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20716,3076,theory(equality)]),19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20717,19502,theory(equality)]),104,theory(equality)]),2011,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != op2(h15(e10),e22)
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20718,3095,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20719,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),119,theory(equality)]),19881,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != op2(h15(e12),e23)
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20720,3361,theory(equality)]),19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20721,20197,theory(equality)]),114,theory(equality)]),3155,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e24 != op2(h15(e12),e22)
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20722,19780,theory(equality)]),19502,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e14,e11)) != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20723,20197,theory(equality)]),124,theory(equality)]),20089,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e20 != op2(h15(e14),e23)
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20724,19770,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20725,19502,theory(equality)]),797,theory(equality)]),2113,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != op2(e23,e23)
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20726,20403,theory(equality)]),796,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20727,4934,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != op2(e22,e22)
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20728,3866,theory(equality)]),795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(e23,h15(e10)) != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20729,20166,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e24 != h15(e14)
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20730,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),674,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(e22,h15(e12)) != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20731,19502,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != h15(e10)
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20732,20197,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]),19153,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(op1(e11,e13)) != e20
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20733,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h15(e10),e23) != e22
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20734,19748,theory(equality)]),20197,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(e10) != e21
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20735,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]),109,theory(equality)]),3037,theory(equality)]),19887,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h15(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20736,19506,theory(equality)]),19914,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20737,20197,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | op2(e21,e21) != e21 ),
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[20738,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[19206,19955,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e21) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20807,692,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred29_0
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[20739,20808,theory(equality)]) ).

    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[20816,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred30_0
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2640,20817,theory(equality)]) ).

    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[20820,theory(equality)]) ).

    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[20821,19520,theory(equality)]) ).

    [proof] ).

% % SZS status Started for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG168+1.p
% --creating new selector for []
% -running prover on /tmp/tmpNjZL3x/sel_ALG168+1.p_1 with time limit 29
% -prover status Theorem
% Problem ALG168+1.p solved in phase 0.
% % SZS status Theorem for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG168+1.p
% % SZS status Ended for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG168+1.p
% Solved 1 out of 1.
% # Problem is unsatisfiable (or provable), constructing proof object
% # SZS status Theorem
% # SZS output start CNFRefutation.
% See solution above
% # SZS output end CNFRefutation