TSTP Solution File: ALG115+1 by SInE---0.4

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SInE---0.4
% Problem  : ALG115+1 : TPTP v5.0.0. Released v2.7.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : Source/sine.py -e eprover -t %d %s

% Computer : art07.cs.miami.edu
% Model    : i686 i686
% CPU      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz @ 2793MHz
% Memory   : 2018MB
% OS       : Linux
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Sat Dec 25 03:55:00 EST 2010

% Result   : Theorem 1.82s
% Output   : CNFRefutation 1.82s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   50
%            Number of leaves      :   24
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :  343 ( 125 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       : 5284 (4909 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms : 1280 (  15 avg)
%            Number of connectives : 7043 (2102   ~;3220   |;1713   &)
%                                         (   0 <=>;   8  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   84 (   7 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    4 (   2 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :   10 (   8 usr;   9 prp; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of functors    :   14 (  14 usr;   8 con; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of variables   :    0 (   0 sgn   0   !;   0   ?)

% Comments : 
    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e10) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e10,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e10) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e10,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e10) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e10,e11) = e13
      | op1(e10,e12) = e13
      | op1(e10,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e10) = e13
      | op1(e12,e10) = e13
      | op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e13
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e13
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e13
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax2) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e20,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e20,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e20,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
      | op2(e20,e23) = e21
      | op2(e20,e23) = e22
      | op2(e20,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax3) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e10,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e10,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e10,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
      | op1(e10,e13) = e11
      | op1(e10,e13) = e12
      | op1(e10,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax1) ).

    ( op2(e20,e20) != op2(e21,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e22,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e22,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e21,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e22,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e21)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e22)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e22)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e21)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e22) != op2(e23,e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax6) ).

    ( e10 != e11
    & e10 != e12
    & e10 != e13
    & e11 != e12
    & e11 != e13
    & e12 != e13 ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax7) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e20) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e20,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e20) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e20,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e20) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e20,e21) = e23
      | op2(e20,e22) = e23
      | op2(e20,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e20) = e23
      | op2(e22,e20) = e23
      | op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e23
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e23
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e23
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax4) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) != op1(e11,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e12,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e12,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e11,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e12,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e11)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e12)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e12)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e11)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e12) != op1(e13,e13) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax5) ).

    ( e20 != e21
    & e20 != e22
    & e20 != e23
    & e21 != e22
    & e21 != e23
    & e22 != e23 ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax8) ).

    ( h1(e13) = e20
    & h1(e10) = op2(op2(e20,e20),op2(op2(e20,e20),e20))
    & h1(e11) = op2(e20,e20)
    & h1(e12) = op2(op2(e20,e20),e20) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax14) ).

    ( h2(e13) = e21
    & h2(e10) = op2(op2(e21,e21),op2(op2(e21,e21),e21))
    & h2(e11) = op2(e21,e21)
    & h2(e12) = op2(op2(e21,e21),e21) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax15) ).

    ( h3(e13) = e22
    & h3(e10) = op2(op2(e22,e22),op2(op2(e22,e22),e22))
    & h3(e11) = op2(e22,e22)
    & h3(e12) = op2(op2(e22,e22),e22) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax16) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
    & ( ( op1(e10,op1(e10,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,op1(e11,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,op1(e12,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)) != e13 ) )
    & ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax10) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
    & ( ( op2(e20,op2(e20,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,op2(e21,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,op2(e22,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)) != e23 ) )
    & ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax11) ).

    ( e10 = op1(op1(e13,e13),op1(op1(e13,e13),e13))
    & e11 = op1(e13,e13)
    & e12 = op1(op1(e13,e13),e13) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax12) ).

    ( e20 = op2(op2(e23,e23),op2(op2(e23,e23),e23))
    & e21 = op2(e23,e23)
    & e22 = op2(op2(e23,e23),e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',ax13) ).

    ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
      & ( h1(e10) = e20
        | h1(e11) = e20
        | h1(e12) = e20
        | h1(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e21
        | h1(e11) = e21
        | h1(e12) = e21
        | h1(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e22
        | h1(e11) = e22
        | h1(e12) = e22
        | h1(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e23
        | h1(e11) = e23
        | h1(e12) = e23
        | h1(e13) = e23 ) )
    | ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      & ( h2(e10) = e20
        | h2(e11) = e20
        | h2(e12) = e20
        | h2(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e21
        | h2(e11) = e21
        | h2(e12) = e21
        | h2(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e22
        | h2(e11) = e22
        | h2(e12) = e22
        | h2(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e23
        | h2(e11) = e23
        | h2(e12) = e23
        | h2(e13) = e23 ) )
    | ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
      & ( h3(e10) = e20
        | h3(e11) = e20
        | h3(e12) = e20
        | h3(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e21
        | h3(e11) = e21
        | h3(e12) = e21
        | h3(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e22
        | h3(e11) = e22
        | h3(e12) = e22
        | h3(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e23
        | h3(e11) = e23
        | h3(e12) = e23
        | h3(e13) = e23 ) )
    | ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      & ( h4(e10) = e20
        | h4(e11) = e20
        | h4(e12) = e20
        | h4(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e21
        | h4(e11) = e21
        | h4(e12) = e21
        | h4(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e22
        | h4(e11) = e22
        | h4(e12) = e22
        | h4(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e23
        | h4(e11) = e23
        | h4(e12) = e23
        | h4(e13) = e23 ) ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1',co1) ).

    ~ ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
        & ( h1(e10) = e20
          | h1(e11) = e20
          | h1(e12) = e20
          | h1(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e21
          | h1(e11) = e21
          | h1(e12) = e21
          | h1(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e22
          | h1(e11) = e22
          | h1(e12) = e22
          | h1(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e23
          | h1(e11) = e23
          | h1(e12) = e23
          | h1(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
        & ( h2(e10) = e20
          | h2(e11) = e20
          | h2(e12) = e20
          | h2(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e21
          | h2(e11) = e21
          | h2(e12) = e21
          | h2(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e22
          | h2(e11) = e22
          | h2(e12) = e22
          | h2(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e23
          | h2(e11) = e23
          | h2(e12) = e23
          | h2(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
        & ( h3(e10) = e20
          | h3(e11) = e20
          | h3(e12) = e20
          | h3(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e21
          | h3(e11) = e21
          | h3(e12) = e21
          | h3(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e22
          | h3(e11) = e22
          | h3(e12) = e22
          | h3(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e23
          | h3(e11) = e23
          | h3(e12) = e23
          | h3(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
        & ( h4(e10) = e20
          | h4(e11) = e20
          | h4(e12) = e20
          | h4(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e21
          | h4(e11) = e21
          | h4(e12) = e21
          | h4(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e22
          | h4(e11) = e22
          | h4(e12) = e22
          | h4(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e23
          | h4(e11) = e23
          | h4(e12) = e23
          | h4(e13) = e23 ) ) ),
    inference(assume_negation,[status(cth)],[18]) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
    & ( ( op1(e10,op1(e10,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,op1(e11,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,op1(e12,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)) != e13 ) )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[14,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
    & ( ( op2(e20,op2(e20,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,op2(e21,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,op2(e22,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)) != e23 ) )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[15,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred1_0
   => ( ( op1(e10,op1(e10,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e10,op1(e10,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,op1(e11,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e11,op1(e11,e13)) != e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,op1(e12,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e12,op1(e12,e13)) != e13 ) ) ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( epred21_0
   => ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e11) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e10) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e11) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e12) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e10
        & op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e10) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e11) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e12) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e11
        & op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e10) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e11) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e12) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e12
        & op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e10,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e11,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
      | ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
        & op1(e12,e13) = e13
        & op1(e13,e12) = e13 ) ) ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( epred22_0
   => ( ( op2(e20,op2(e20,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e20,op2(e20,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,op2(e21,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e21,op2(e21,e23)) != e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,op2(e22,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e22,op2(e22,e23)) != e23 ) ) ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( epred42_0
   => ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e21) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | ( op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e20) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e21) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e22) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e20
        & op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e20) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e21) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e22) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e21) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e21
        & op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e20) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e21) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e22) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e22
        & op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e20,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e21,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
      | ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
        & op2(e22,e23) = e23
        & op2(e23,e22) = e23 ) ) ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
      & ( h1(e10) = e20
        | h1(e11) = e20
        | h1(e12) = e20
        | h1(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e21
        | h1(e11) = e21
        | h1(e12) = e21
        | h1(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e22
        | h1(e11) = e22
        | h1(e12) = e22
        | h1(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred43_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      & ( h2(e10) = e20
        | h2(e11) = e20
        | h2(e12) = e20
        | h2(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e21
        | h2(e11) = e21
        | h2(e12) = e21
        | h2(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e22
        | h2(e11) = e22
        | h2(e12) = e22
        | h2(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred44_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
      & ( h3(e10) = e20
        | h3(e11) = e20
        | h3(e12) = e20
        | h3(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e21
        | h3(e11) = e21
        | h3(e12) = e21
        | h3(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e22
        | h3(e11) = e22
        | h3(e12) = e22
        | h3(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred45_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      & ( h4(e10) = e20
        | h4(e11) = e20
        | h4(e12) = e20
        | h4(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e21
        | h4(e11) = e21
        | h4(e12) = e21
        | h4(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e22
        | h4(e11) = e22
        | h4(e12) = e22
        | h4(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred46_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
    & ( epred1_0
      | ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e10)) != e10
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e11)) != e11
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e12)) != e12
        & op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)) != e13 ) )
    & ( epred21_0
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[20,22,theory(equality)]),42,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
    & ( epred22_0
      | ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e20)) != e20
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e21)) != e21
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e22)) != e22
        & op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)) != e23 ) )
    & ( epred42_0
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[21,43,theory(equality)]),63,theory(equality)]) ).

    ~ ( ( epred43_0
        & ( h1(e10) = e23
          | h1(e11) = e23
          | h1(e12) = e23
          | h1(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( epred44_0
        & ( h2(e10) = e23
          | h2(e11) = e23
          | h2(e12) = e23
          | h2(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( epred45_0
        & ( h3(e10) = e23
          | h3(e11) = e23
          | h3(e12) = e23
          | h3(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( epred46_0
        & ( h4(e10) = e23
          | h4(e11) = e23
          | h4(e12) = e23
          | h4(e13) = e23 ) ) ),
    inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[19,64,theory(equality)]),65,theory(equality)]),66,theory(equality)]),67,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | op1(e11,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | op1(e13,e11) = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e13
    | op1(e12,e12) = e13
    | op1(e12,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11
    | op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | op1(e10,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e13) = e11
    | op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e11,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e10) = e12
    | op1(e11,e10) = e12
    | op1(e10,e10) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e11) = e12
    | op1(e10,e10) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e21
    | op2(e23,e22) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e23
    | op2(e20,e23) = e22
    | op2(e20,e23) = e21
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e12
    | op1(e13,e12) = e11
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[3]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e13
    | op1(e10,e13) = e12
    | op1(e10,e13) = e11
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[3]) ).

    op2(e23,e22) != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e22,e23) != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != op2(e21,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e22,e22) != op2(e23,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e22) != op2(e23,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e22) != op2(e22,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e20) != op2(e22,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e20) != op2(e23,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    e12 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e11 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e11 != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e10 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e10 != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e10 != e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e21) = e22
    | op2(e23,e20) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | op2(e21,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e23,e22) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e22) = e21
    | op2(e22,e22) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | op2(e20,e22) = e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e23) = e21
    | op2(e22,e22) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e22,e20) = e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e21) = e22
    | op2(e22,e21) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e22
    | op2(e20,e21) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e20) = e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | op2(e21,e20) = e23
    | op2(e20,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    op1(e13,e12) != op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e12,e13) != op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) != op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) != op1(e11,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) != op1(e13,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e12) != op1(e13,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e12) != op1(e12,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e10) != op1(e12,e10),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e10) != op1(e13,e10),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    e22 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e21 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e21 != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e20 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e20 != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e20 != e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    h1(e11) = op2(e20,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[10]) ).

    h2(e12) = op2(op2(e21,e21),e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h2(e11) = op2(e21,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h2(e10) = op2(op2(e21,e21),op2(op2(e21,e21),e21)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h2(e13) = e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h3(e11) = op2(e22,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[12]) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e10)) != e10
      | epred1_0 )
    & ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e11)) != e11
      | epred1_0 )
    & ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e12)) != e12
      | epred1_0 )
    & ( op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)) != e13
      | epred1_0 )
    & ( epred21_0
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[68]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | op1(e12,e12) = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | op1(e10,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[345]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e11,e11) = e12
    | op1(e10,e10) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[345]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e12) = e10
    | op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[345]) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e20)) != e20
      | epred22_0 )
    & ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e21)) != e21
      | epred22_0 )
    & ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e22)) != e22
      | epred22_0 )
    & ( op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)) != e23
      | epred22_0 )
    & ( epred42_0
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[69]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | op2(e22,e22) = e23
    | op2(e21,e21) = e23
    | op2(e20,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[355]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e22
    | op2(e20,e20) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[355]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e22) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[355]) ).

    e12 = op1(op1(e13,e13),e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    e11 = op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    e10 = op1(op1(e13,e13),op1(op1(e13,e13),e13)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    e22 = op2(op2(e23,e23),e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    e21 = op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    e20 = op2(op2(e23,e23),op2(op2(e23,e23),e23)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    ( ( ~ epred43_0
      | ( h1(e10) != e23
        & h1(e11) != e23
        & h1(e12) != e23
        & h1(e13) != e23 ) )
    & ( ~ epred44_0
      | ( h2(e10) != e23
        & h2(e11) != e23
        & h2(e12) != e23
        & h2(e13) != e23 ) )
    & ( ~ epred45_0
      | ( h3(e10) != e23
        & h3(e11) != e23
        & h3(e12) != e23
        & h3(e13) != e23 ) )
    & ( ~ epred46_0
      | ( h4(e10) != e23
        & h4(e11) != e23
        & h4(e12) != e23
        & h4(e13) != e23 ) ) ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[70]) ).

    ( ( h1(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred43_0 )
    & ( h1(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred43_0 )
    & ( h1(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred43_0 )
    & ( h1(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred43_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred44_0 )
    & ( h3(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred45_0 )
    & ( h3(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred45_0 )
    & ( h3(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred45_0 )
    & ( h3(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred45_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred46_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred46_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred46_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred46_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[371]) ).

    ( ~ epred44_0
    | h2(e11) != e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[372]) ).

    ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
    | ( h2(e10) != e20
      & h2(e11) != e20
      & h2(e12) != e20
      & h2(e13) != e20 )
    | ( h2(e10) != e21
      & h2(e11) != e21
      & h2(e12) != e21
      & h2(e13) != e21 )
    | ( h2(e10) != e22
      & h2(e11) != e22
      & h2(e12) != e22
      & h2(e13) != e22 )
    | epred44_0 ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[65]) ).

    ( ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e10) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e11) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e12) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e10) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e11) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e12) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e22
      | h2(e13) != e21
      | h2(e13) != e20
      | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      | epred44_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[2903]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
    | h2(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | h2(e13) != e21
    | h2(e10) != e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2904]) ).

    op1(e11,e13) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[365,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e23) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[368,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    e12 != op1(e10,e13),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[288,3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    e12 != op1(e11,e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[274,3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    e12 != op1(e11,e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[272,3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h2(e11),e21) = h2(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[333,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    e11 != op1(e10,e13),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[286,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    e11 != op1(e12,e13),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[283,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    e11 != op1(e13,e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[259,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    e21 != op2(e20,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[200,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    e21 != op2(e22,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[197,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    e21 != op2(e23,e22),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[173,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 != op2(e20,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[202,3153,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != h1(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[194,330,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 != op2(e21,e21),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[186,3153,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 != h2(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3298,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e20) != h1(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[218,330,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e22) != h3(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[203,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e22) != h2(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[187,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) != op2(e21,e22),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[205,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) != op2(e22,e21),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[181,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e12) = e10,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[367,366,theory(equality)]),366,theory(equality)]),3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e13,e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[290,3381,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) != e10,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[291,3381,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e11,e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[273,3381,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e22) = e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[370,369,theory(equality)]),369,theory(equality)]),3153,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != h3(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3364,3422,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != h2(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3353,3422,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != op2(e23,e22),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[204,3422,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h2(e11),h2(e12)) = h2(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[335,334,theory(equality)]),334,theory(equality)]),3209,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e12,e12) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[354,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e12,e12) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7323,226,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
    | op1(e10,e11) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[136,3156,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e10) = e12
    | op1(e13,e10) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[135,3159,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
    | op1(e11,e11) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e11 = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[352,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e12 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7473,3166,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7474,223,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e12) = e13
    | e11 = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[351,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e12) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7576,222,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e12) = e11
    | e10 = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11
    | op1(e13,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[121,3381,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e12) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11
    | op1(e13,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7689,226,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e12) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7690,3235,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e12
    | op1(e10,e13) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[169,3218,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7759,3156,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | op1(e13,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[115,3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7783,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7784,225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7785,226,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | e10 = e11
    | op1(e11,e13) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[130,3381,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | e10 = e11
    | e12 = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7825,3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | e12 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7826,226,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7827,223,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e10) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[122,3223,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
    | op1(e13,e11) = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[116,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
    | op1(e13,e11) = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[8100,226,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e10
    | op1(e13,e12) = e12
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[158,3235,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e23
    | op2(e21,e21) = e23
    | op2(e22,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[361,330,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23
    | op2(e22,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[10076,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23
    | h3(e11) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[10077,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23
    | h3(e11) = e23
    | e21 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[10078,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23
    | h3(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[10079,308,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e23
    | op2(e21,e20) = e23
    | op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[251,330,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e22
    | op2(e20,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[153,3237,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11417,3267,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | e22 = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[233,3153,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | e22 = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11429,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11430,311,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11431,312,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e22) = e20
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[234,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
    | op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e22) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11524,312,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e22
    | op2(e23,e21) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[230,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e22
    | op2(e23,e21) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11540,309,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e22) = e20
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[142,3257,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20
    | op2(e22,e22) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[364,330,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e20
    | op2(e22,e22) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11762,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e20
    | op2(e23,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11763,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e20
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11764,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11765,312,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[362,330,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11782,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | op2(e23,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11783,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11784,369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11785,3299,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11786,309,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e21) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | op2(e22,e21) = e22
    | op2(e23,e21) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[245,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e21) = e22
    | op2(e22,e21) = e22
    | op2(e23,e21) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12034,3299,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
    | e20 = e21
    | op2(e22,e22) = e21
    | op2(e23,e22) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[239,3422,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
    | e20 = e21
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | op2(e23,e22) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[12084,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | op2(e23,e22) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12085,312,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12086,3257,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | op2(e21,e23) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[248,334,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | e20 = e21
    | op2(e21,e23) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[12181,3422,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | e20 = e21
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[12182,3153,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12183,312,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12184,309,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | op2(e22,e23) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[240,338,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12270,3250,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[2924,336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14286,336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | h2(e10) != h2(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14287,5035,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14288,3381,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | h2(e12) != h2(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14289,336,theory(equality)]),3209,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14290,3109,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14291,336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e21,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14292,336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e21,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(e21,h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14293,336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e21,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(e21,h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(e21,h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h2(e13),h2(e13)) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14294,336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e21,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(e21,h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(e21,h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | h2(e11) != h2(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14295,336,theory(equality)]),336,theory(equality)]),334,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e21,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(e21,h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(e21,h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12))
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14296,366,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e10),e21) != h2(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h2(e12),e21) != h2(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e21,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(e21,h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(e21,h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e13,e12)) ),
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[14297,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e20
    | h1(e11) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11766,3423,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e11) = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[8101,3382,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[8145,3382,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7324,3383,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e21) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11525,3427,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11572,3427,theory(equality)]) ).

    h1(e11) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17196,3424,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e20) != e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3317,17335,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3285,17335,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e22
    | e20 = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11787,17335,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17427,311,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | op2(e21,e20) = e23
    | e20 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[11333,17335,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | op2(e21,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17429,310,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23
    | e20 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[10080,17335,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17433,310,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e21) != e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3370,17428,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e22) != e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3341,17428,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e22,e20) = e21
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[12271,17428,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e22,e20) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17551,309,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[12087,17428,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e22) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17554,309,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e23
    | h2(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17434,17428,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e11) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17642,307,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,h2(e12)) = h2(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[5035,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e21) = h2(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[3209,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),e23) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(e21,h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[14298,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),e23) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e23,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h2(e11),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(e21,h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17667,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),e23) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e23,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | e21 != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e11)) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(e21,h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17668,17643,theory(equality)]),17643,theory(equality)]),369,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),e23) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e23,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | e21 != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),e23) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(e21,h2(e11))
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17669,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h2(e10),e23) != h2(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e23,h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e11,e10))
    | e21 != h2(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h2(e12),e23) != h2(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17670,17643,theory(equality)]),3153,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | e23 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[12185,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e20) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17697,308,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | ~ epred44_0 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[383,17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ~ epred44_0,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[17710,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11418,17344,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e23) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11432,17344,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e10) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17230,3385,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e13,e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[304,17734,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e10,e13),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[280,17734,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | e10 = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7577,17734,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17757,224,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | e10 = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7475,17734,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17763,225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e10) = e12
    | e10 = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7442,17734,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e10) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17765,225,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e11) = e12
    | e10 = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7417,17734,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e11) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17767,225,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e11) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17206,17735,theory(equality)]) ).

    e12 != op1(e13,e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[289,17764,theory(equality)]) ).

    e12 != op1(e12,e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[269,17764,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e13
    | e12 = e13
    | op1(e12,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[118,17764,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e13
    | op1(e12,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17854,221,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7946,17764,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17857,223,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e10,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7691,17764,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e12) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17862,223,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7760,17738,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e13) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[7786,17738,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e21) = e22
    | op2(e20,e21) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[12035,17480,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e12) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17207,17837,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e21) = e22
    | op2(e23,e20) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[11541,17483,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e21) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17296,17342,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e22) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17297,17483,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 = h2(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17645,18075,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e20) = h2(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17644,18164,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e20) != e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[217,17698,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17758,17764,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e11) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18363,221,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e13 = e11
    | op1(e11,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[7828,18364,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e10) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18377,222,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e10) != e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[303,18378,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e11) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17858,18381,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e10) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17766,17840,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e11 = e12
    | op1(e10,e11) = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17768,17863,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e11) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18434,223,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e22
    | op2(e23,e20) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18054,18075,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e22
    | h2(e10) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18458,18165,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e10) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18459,311,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 = e22
    | op2(e20,e21) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18016,18075,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e21) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18473,311,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e10 = e13
    | op1(e12,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17855,17958,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e10 = e13
    | e11 = e13
    | op1(e12,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18479,18421,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e11 = e13
    | op1(e12,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18480,224,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e10) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18481,222,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e21) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[17552,18232,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e23
    | op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | op2(e21,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17430,18165,theory(equality)]),18460,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e23
    | op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | e21 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18532,17698,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e23
    | e21 = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18533,307,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e20) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18534,308,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | e22 != h2(op1(e10,e10))
    | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),e23)
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[17671,18460,theory(equality)]),18460,theory(equality)]),338,theory(equality)]),17428,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h2(e10),e23)
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18754,17734,theory(equality)]),18460,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | e20 != op2(h2(e10),e23)
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18755,18435,theory(equality)]),18164,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e10),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18756,18460,theory(equality)]),17733,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != h2(op1(e10,e12))
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18757,18460,theory(equality)]),18164,theory(equality)]),18535,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18758,17863,theory(equality)]),17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != op2(e23,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18759,18378,theory(equality)]),17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e11,e11)) != e21
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18760,18460,theory(equality)]),18092,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e10)) != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18761,18364,theory(equality)]),336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != h2(op1(e12,e10))
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18762,18164,theory(equality)]),18460,theory(equality)]),17555,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18763,18482,theory(equality)]),336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != op2(h2(e12),e23)
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18764,18421,theory(equality)]),17643,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h2(e12),h2(e12)) != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18765,18164,theory(equality)]),17732,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e20 != h2(op1(e12,e12))
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18766,18164,theory(equality)]),18164,theory(equality)]),330,theory(equality)]),17335,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18767,17764,theory(equality)]),18164,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != op2(h2(e10),e21)
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18768,17957,theory(equality)]),336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18769,18460,theory(equality)]),18526,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != op2(h2(e12),e21)
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18770,17958,theory(equality)]),18460,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18771,18164,theory(equality)]),18474,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e20 != op2(e21,h2(e10))
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18772,18427,theory(equality)]),18164,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e13,e11)) != e22
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18773,18460,theory(equality)]),3422,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18774,17835,theory(equality)]),18460,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != op2(e21,h2(e12))
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18775,18020,theory(equality)]),336,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(e10) != e22
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18776,18164,theory(equality)]),17698,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h2(e12) != e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18777,18460,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred44_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[18778,18164,theory(equality)]) ).

    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[18779,theory(equality)]) ).

    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[18780,17711,theory(equality)]) ).

    [proof] ).

% % SZS status Started for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG115+1.p
% --creating new selector for []
% -running prover on /tmp/tmp7S5cIq/sel_ALG115+1.p_1 with time limit 29
% -prover status Theorem
% Problem ALG115+1.p solved in phase 0.
% % SZS status Theorem for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG115+1.p
% % SZS status Ended for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG115+1.p
% Solved 1 out of 1.
% # Problem is unsatisfiable (or provable), constructing proof object
% # SZS status Theorem
% # SZS output start CNFRefutation.
% See solution above