TSTP Solution File: ALG111+1 by SInE---0.4

View Problem - Process Solution

% File     : SInE---0.4
% Problem  : ALG111+1 : TPTP v5.0.0. Released v2.7.0.
% Transfm  : none
% Format   : tptp:raw
% Command  : Source/sine.py -e eprover -t %d %s

% Computer : art05.cs.miami.edu
% Model    : i686 i686
% CPU      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz @ 2793MHz
% Memory   : 2018MB
% OS       : Linux
% CPULimit : 300s
% DateTime : Sat Dec 25 03:54:27 EST 2010

% Result   : Theorem 0.96s
% Output   : CNFRefutation 0.96s
% Verified : 
% SZS Type : Refutation
%            Derivation depth      :   53
%            Number of leaves      :   21
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :  344 ( 127 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       : 4095 (3732 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms : 1280 (  11 avg)
%            Number of connectives : 6256 (2505   ~;2953   |; 794   &)
%                                         (   0 <=>;   4  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   84 (   7 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    4 (   2 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :    6 (   4 usr;   5 prp; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of functors    :   14 (  14 usr;   8 con; 0-2 aty)
%            Number of variables   :    0 (   0 sgn   0   !;   0   ?)

% Comments : 
    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e10,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e10) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e10,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e10) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e10,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e10) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e10,e11) = e13
      | op1(e10,e12) = e13
      | op1(e10,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e10) = e13
      | op1(e12,e10) = e13
      | op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e13
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e13
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e13
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e13
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax2) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e20,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e20,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e20,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
      | op2(e20,e23) = e21
      | op2(e20,e23) = e22
      | op2(e20,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax3) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
      | op1(e10,e10) = e11
      | op1(e10,e10) = e12
      | op1(e10,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) = e10
      | op1(e10,e11) = e11
      | op1(e10,e11) = e12
      | op1(e10,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) = e10
      | op1(e10,e12) = e11
      | op1(e10,e12) = e12
      | op1(e10,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
      | op1(e10,e13) = e11
      | op1(e10,e13) = e12
      | op1(e10,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) = e10
      | op1(e11,e10) = e11
      | op1(e11,e10) = e12
      | op1(e11,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) = e10
      | op1(e11,e11) = e11
      | op1(e11,e11) = e12
      | op1(e11,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) = e10
      | op1(e11,e12) = e11
      | op1(e11,e12) = e12
      | op1(e11,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) = e10
      | op1(e11,e13) = e11
      | op1(e11,e13) = e12
      | op1(e11,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) = e10
      | op1(e12,e10) = e11
      | op1(e12,e10) = e12
      | op1(e12,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) = e10
      | op1(e12,e11) = e11
      | op1(e12,e11) = e12
      | op1(e12,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) = e10
      | op1(e12,e12) = e11
      | op1(e12,e12) = e12
      | op1(e12,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) = e10
      | op1(e12,e13) = e11
      | op1(e12,e13) = e12
      | op1(e12,e13) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
      | op1(e13,e10) = e11
      | op1(e13,e10) = e12
      | op1(e13,e10) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) = e10
      | op1(e13,e11) = e11
      | op1(e13,e11) = e12
      | op1(e13,e11) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) = e10
      | op1(e13,e12) = e11
      | op1(e13,e12) = e12
      | op1(e13,e12) = e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
      | op1(e13,e13) = e11
      | op1(e13,e13) = e12
      | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax1) ).

    ( op2(e20,e20) != op2(e21,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e22,e20)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e22,e20)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e23,e20)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e21,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e20,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e21,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e22,e23) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e21)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e22)
    & op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e22)
    & op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e20,e22) != op2(e20,e23)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e21)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e21,e20) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e22)
    & op2(e21,e21) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e21,e22) != op2(e21,e23)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e21)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e22,e20) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e22)
    & op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e22,e22) != op2(e22,e23)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e21)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e22)
    & op2(e23,e21) != op2(e23,e23)
    & op2(e23,e22) != op2(e23,e23) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax6) ).

    ( e10 != e11
    & e10 != e12
    & e10 != e13
    & e11 != e12
    & e11 != e13
    & e12 != e13 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax7) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e20,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e20) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e20,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e20) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e20,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e20) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e20,e21) = e23
      | op2(e20,e22) = e23
      | op2(e20,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e20) = e23
      | op2(e22,e20) = e23
      | op2(e23,e20) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e20
      | op2(e21,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e21
      | op2(e21,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e22
      | op2(e21,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) = e23
      | op2(e21,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e20
      | op2(e22,e21) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
      | op2(e21,e22) = e20
      | op2(e22,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e21
      | op2(e22,e21) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e21
      | op2(e21,e22) = e21
      | op2(e22,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
      | op2(e22,e21) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e22
      | op2(e21,e22) = e22
      | op2(e22,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) = e23
      | op2(e22,e21) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) = e23
      | op2(e21,e22) = e23
      | op2(e22,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
      | op2(e23,e21) = e20
      | op2(e23,e22) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
      | op2(e21,e23) = e20
      | op2(e22,e23) = e20
      | op2(e23,e23) = e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e21
      | op2(e23,e21) = e21
      | op2(e23,e22) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e21
      | op2(e21,e23) = e21
      | op2(e22,e23) = e21
      | op2(e23,e23) = e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e22
      | op2(e23,e21) = e22
      | op2(e23,e22) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e22
      | op2(e21,e23) = e22
      | op2(e22,e23) = e22
      | op2(e23,e23) = e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
      | op2(e23,e21) = e23
      | op2(e23,e22) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) = e23
      | op2(e21,e23) = e23
      | op2(e22,e23) = e23
      | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax4) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) != op1(e11,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e12,e10)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e12,e10)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e13,e10)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e11,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e10,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e11,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e12,e13) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e11)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e12)
    & op1(e10,e10) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e12)
    & op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e10,e12) != op1(e10,e13)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e11)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e11,e10) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e12)
    & op1(e11,e11) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e11,e12) != op1(e11,e13)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e11)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e12)
    & op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e12,e12) != op1(e12,e13)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e11)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e12)
    & op1(e13,e11) != op1(e13,e13)
    & op1(e13,e12) != op1(e13,e13) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax5) ).

    ( e20 != e21
    & e20 != e22
    & e20 != e23
    & e21 != e22
    & e21 != e23
    & e22 != e23 ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax8) ).

    ( h1(e13) = e20
    & h1(e10) = op2(e20,op2(e20,e20))
    & h1(e11) = op2(e20,e20)
    & h1(e12) = op2(op2(e20,op2(e20,e20)),op2(e20,e20)) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax14) ).

    ( h2(e13) = e21
    & h2(e10) = op2(e21,op2(e21,e21))
    & h2(e11) = op2(e21,e21)
    & h2(e12) = op2(op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)),op2(e21,e21)) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax15) ).

    ( h3(e13) = e22
    & h3(e10) = op2(e22,op2(e22,e22))
    & h3(e11) = op2(e22,e22)
    & h3(e12) = op2(op2(e22,op2(e22,e22)),op2(e22,e22)) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax16) ).

    ( h4(e13) = e23
    & h4(e10) = op2(e23,op2(e23,e23))
    & h4(e11) = op2(e23,e23)
    & h4(e12) = op2(op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)),op2(e23,e23)) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax17) ).

    ( ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax10) ).

    ( ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax11) ).

    ( e10 = op1(e13,op1(e13,e13))
    & e11 = op1(e13,e13)
    & e12 = op1(op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)),op1(e13,e13)) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax12) ).

    ( e20 = op2(e23,op2(e23,e23))
    & e21 = op2(e23,e23)
    & e22 = op2(op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)),op2(e23,e23)) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',ax13) ).

    ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
      & ( h1(e10) = e20
        | h1(e11) = e20
        | h1(e12) = e20
        | h1(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e21
        | h1(e11) = e21
        | h1(e12) = e21
        | h1(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e22
        | h1(e11) = e22
        | h1(e12) = e22
        | h1(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e23
        | h1(e11) = e23
        | h1(e12) = e23
        | h1(e13) = e23 ) )
    | ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      & ( h2(e10) = e20
        | h2(e11) = e20
        | h2(e12) = e20
        | h2(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e21
        | h2(e11) = e21
        | h2(e12) = e21
        | h2(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e22
        | h2(e11) = e22
        | h2(e12) = e22
        | h2(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e23
        | h2(e11) = e23
        | h2(e12) = e23
        | h2(e13) = e23 ) )
    | ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
      & ( h3(e10) = e20
        | h3(e11) = e20
        | h3(e12) = e20
        | h3(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e21
        | h3(e11) = e21
        | h3(e12) = e21
        | h3(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e22
        | h3(e11) = e22
        | h3(e12) = e22
        | h3(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e23
        | h3(e11) = e23
        | h3(e12) = e23
        | h3(e13) = e23 ) )
    | ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      & ( h4(e10) = e20
        | h4(e11) = e20
        | h4(e12) = e20
        | h4(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e21
        | h4(e11) = e21
        | h4(e12) = e21
        | h4(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e22
        | h4(e11) = e22
        | h4(e12) = e22
        | h4(e13) = e22 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e23
        | h4(e11) = e23
        | h4(e12) = e23
        | h4(e13) = e23 ) ) ),
    file('/tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1',co1) ).

    ~ ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
        & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
        & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
        & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
        & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
        & ( h1(e10) = e20
          | h1(e11) = e20
          | h1(e12) = e20
          | h1(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e21
          | h1(e11) = e21
          | h1(e12) = e21
          | h1(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e22
          | h1(e11) = e22
          | h1(e12) = e22
          | h1(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h1(e10) = e23
          | h1(e11) = e23
          | h1(e12) = e23
          | h1(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
        & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
        & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
        & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
        & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
        & ( h2(e10) = e20
          | h2(e11) = e20
          | h2(e12) = e20
          | h2(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e21
          | h2(e11) = e21
          | h2(e12) = e21
          | h2(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e22
          | h2(e11) = e22
          | h2(e12) = e22
          | h2(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h2(e10) = e23
          | h2(e11) = e23
          | h2(e12) = e23
          | h2(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
        & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
        & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
        & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
        & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
        & ( h3(e10) = e20
          | h3(e11) = e20
          | h3(e12) = e20
          | h3(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e21
          | h3(e11) = e21
          | h3(e12) = e21
          | h3(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e22
          | h3(e11) = e22
          | h3(e12) = e22
          | h3(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h3(e10) = e23
          | h3(e11) = e23
          | h3(e12) = e23
          | h3(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
        & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
        & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
        & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
        & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
        & ( h4(e10) = e20
          | h4(e11) = e20
          | h4(e12) = e20
          | h4(e13) = e20 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e21
          | h4(e11) = e21
          | h4(e12) = e21
          | h4(e13) = e21 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e22
          | h4(e11) = e22
          | h4(e12) = e22
          | h4(e13) = e22 )
        & ( h4(e10) = e23
          | h4(e11) = e23
          | h4(e12) = e23
          | h4(e13) = e23 ) ) ),
    inference(assume_negation,[status(cth)],[18]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
    & ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e10) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e11) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e12) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e10) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & op1(e11,e11) != e11
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e11) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e12) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e11,e13) != e11
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e10) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e11) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & op1(e12,e12) != e12
    & ( op1(e12,e12) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e12,e13) != e12
      | op1(e13,e13) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e10) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e10 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e11) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e11 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e12) != e13
      | op1(e13,e13) != e12 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e10,e10) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e11,e11) != e13 )
    & ( op1(e13,e13) != e13
      | op1(e12,e12) != e13 )
    & op1(e13,e13) != e13 ),
    inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[14,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
    & ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e20) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e21) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e22) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e20) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & op2(e21,e21) != e21
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e21) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e22) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e21,e23) != e21
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e20) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e21) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & op2(e22,e22) != e22
    & ( op2(e22,e22) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e22,e23) != e22
      | op2(e23,e23) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e20) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e20 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e21) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e21 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e22) != e23
      | op2(e23,e23) != e22 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e20,e20) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e21,e21) != e23 )
    & ( op2(e23,e23) != e23
      | op2(e22,e22) != e23 )
    & op2(e23,e23) != e23 ),
    inference(fof_simplification,[status(thm)],[15,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( ( h1(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h1(e10),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h1(e11),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h1(e12),h1(e13))
      & h1(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e10))
      & h1(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e11))
      & h1(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e12))
      & h1(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h1(e13),h1(e13))
      & ( h1(e10) = e20
        | h1(e11) = e20
        | h1(e12) = e20
        | h1(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e21
        | h1(e11) = e21
        | h1(e12) = e21
        | h1(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h1(e10) = e22
        | h1(e11) = e22
        | h1(e12) = e22
        | h1(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred1_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h2(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h2(e10),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h2(e11),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h2(e12),h2(e13))
      & h2(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e10))
      & h2(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e11))
      & h2(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e12))
      & h2(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h2(e13),h2(e13))
      & ( h2(e10) = e20
        | h2(e11) = e20
        | h2(e12) = e20
        | h2(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e21
        | h2(e11) = e21
        | h2(e12) = e21
        | h2(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h2(e10) = e22
        | h2(e11) = e22
        | h2(e12) = e22
        | h2(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred2_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h3(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h3(e10),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h3(e11),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h3(e12),h3(e13))
      & h3(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e10))
      & h3(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e11))
      & h3(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e12))
      & h3(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h3(e13),h3(e13))
      & ( h3(e10) = e20
        | h3(e11) = e20
        | h3(e12) = e20
        | h3(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e21
        | h3(e11) = e21
        | h3(e12) = e21
        | h3(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h3(e10) = e22
        | h3(e11) = e22
        | h3(e12) = e22
        | h3(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred3_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ( ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e10,e11)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e10,e12)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e10,e13)) = op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e11,e10)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e11,e11)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e11,e12)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e11,e13)) = op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e12,e10)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e12,e11)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e12,e12)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e12,e13)) = op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      & h4(op1(e13,e10)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      & h4(op1(e13,e11)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      & h4(op1(e13,e12)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      & h4(op1(e13,e13)) = op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      & ( h4(e10) = e20
        | h4(e11) = e20
        | h4(e12) = e20
        | h4(e13) = e20 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e21
        | h4(e11) = e21
        | h4(e12) = e21
        | h4(e13) = e21 )
      & ( h4(e10) = e22
        | h4(e11) = e22
        | h4(e12) = e22
        | h4(e13) = e22 ) )
   => epred4_0 ),
    introduced(definition) ).

    ~ ( ( epred1_0
        & ( h1(e10) = e23
          | h1(e11) = e23
          | h1(e12) = e23
          | h1(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( epred2_0
        & ( h2(e10) = e23
          | h2(e11) = e23
          | h2(e12) = e23
          | h2(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( epred3_0
        & ( h3(e10) = e23
          | h3(e11) = e23
          | h3(e12) = e23
          | h3(e13) = e23 ) )
      | ( epred4_0
        & ( h4(e10) = e23
          | h4(e11) = e23
          | h4(e12) = e23
          | h4(e13) = e23 ) ) ),
    inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[inference(apply_def,[status(esa)],[19,22,theory(equality)]),23,theory(equality)]),24,theory(equality)]),25,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e11) = e13
    | op1(e13,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12
    | op1(e11,e13) = e12
    | op1(e10,e13) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | op1(e11,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e11,e12) = e12
    | op1(e10,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e11) = e12
    | op1(e12,e10) = e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11
    | op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | op1(e10,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e11) = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | op1(e10,e11) = e13 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e10,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e11
    | op1(e12,e10) = e11
    | op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e10,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e11,e10) = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e12) = e10
    | op1(e10,e11) = e10
    | op1(e10,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[1]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e22) = e23
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e21
    | op2(e22,e22) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e21) = e23
    | op2(e21,e21) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e23
    | op2(e20,e23) = e22
    | op2(e20,e23) = e21
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e20) = e23
    | op2(e20,e20) = e22
    | op2(e20,e20) = e21
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[2]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e13
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e11
    | op1(e12,e12) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[3]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e13
    | op1(e10,e13) = e12
    | op1(e10,e13) = e11
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[3]) ).

    op2(e23,e20) != op2(e23,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e22,e21) != op2(e22,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e21) != op2(e20,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e20) != op2(e20,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e23) != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e22) != op2(e22,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e21,e21) != op2(e23,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    op2(e20,e21) != op2(e21,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[4]) ).

    e12 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e11 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e11 != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e10 != e13,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e10 != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    e10 != e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[5]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e21) = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22
    | op2(e21,e23) = e22
    | op2(e20,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | op2(e21,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | op2(e20,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e23) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e21) = e22
    | op2(e22,e20) = e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e21) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e20,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e23) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e20) = e21 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e20
    | op2(e22,e20) = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e22) = e20
    | op2(e20,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[6]) ).

    op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e13,e10) != op1(e13,e11),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e12,e11) != op1(e12,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e12,e10) != op1(e12,e11),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e11,e12) != op1(e11,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e11) != op1(e10,e12),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) != op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[7]) ).

    e22 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e21 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e21 != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e20 != e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e20 != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    e20 != e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[8]) ).

    h1(e11) = op2(e20,e20),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[10]) ).

    h2(e12) = op2(op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)),op2(e21,e21)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h2(e11) = op2(e21,e21),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h2(e10) = op2(e21,op2(e21,e21)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[11]) ).

    h3(e11) = op2(e22,e22),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[12]) ).

    h4(e12) = op2(op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)),op2(e23,e23)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    h4(e11) = op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    h4(e10) = op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    h4(e13) = e23,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[13]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) != e13
    | op1(e12,e13) != e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) != e12,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) != e10
    | op1(e12,e10) != e12 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op1(e11,e11) != e11,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) != e13
    | op1(e10,e13) != e10 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    op1(e10,e10) != e10,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[20]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e21) != e23
    | op2(e22,e23) != e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    op2(e22,e22) != e22,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    op2(e21,e21) != e21,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e21) != e23
    | op2(e20,e23) != e20 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    op2(e20,e20) != e20,
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[21]) ).

    e12 = op1(op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)),op1(e13,e13)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    e11 = op1(e13,e13),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    e10 = op1(e13,op1(e13,e13)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[16]) ).

    e22 = op2(op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)),op2(e23,e23)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    e21 = op2(e23,e23),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    e20 = op2(e23,op2(e23,e23)),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[17]) ).

    ( ( ~ epred1_0
      | ( h1(e10) != e23
        & h1(e11) != e23
        & h1(e12) != e23
        & h1(e13) != e23 ) )
    & ( ~ epred2_0
      | ( h2(e10) != e23
        & h2(e11) != e23
        & h2(e12) != e23
        & h2(e13) != e23 ) )
    & ( ~ epred3_0
      | ( h3(e10) != e23
        & h3(e11) != e23
        & h3(e12) != e23
        & h3(e13) != e23 ) )
    & ( ~ epred4_0
      | ( h4(e10) != e23
        & h4(e11) != e23
        & h4(e12) != e23
        & h4(e13) != e23 ) ) ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[26]) ).

    ( ( h1(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred1_0 )
    & ( h1(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred1_0 )
    & ( h1(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred1_0 )
    & ( h1(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred1_0 )
    & ( h2(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h2(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h2(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h2(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred2_0 )
    & ( h3(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred3_0 )
    & ( h3(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred3_0 )
    & ( h3(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred3_0 )
    & ( h3(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred3_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e23
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e23
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e23
      | ~ epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e23
      | ~ epred4_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[397]) ).

    ( ~ epred4_0
    | h4(e13) != e23 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[398]) ).

    ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
    | ( h4(e10) != e20
      & h4(e11) != e20
      & h4(e12) != e20
      & h4(e13) != e20 )
    | ( h4(e10) != e21
      & h4(e11) != e21
      & h4(e12) != e21
      & h4(e13) != e21 )
    | ( h4(e10) != e22
      & h4(e11) != e22
      & h4(e12) != e22
      & h4(e13) != e22 )
    | epred4_0 ),
    inference(fof_nnf,[status(thm)],[25]) ).

    ( ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e10) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e11) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e12) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e10) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e11) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e12) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e10) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e11) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e12) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 )
    & ( h4(e13) != e22
      | h4(e13) != e21
      | h4(e13) != e20
      | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
      | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
      | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
      | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
      | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
      | epred4_0 ) ),
    inference(distribute,[status(thm)],[613]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | h4(op1(e13,e13)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e13,e11)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(h4(e13),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e12,e11)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(h4(e12),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e11,e11)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(h4(e11),h4(e10))
    | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e13))
    | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e12))
    | h4(op1(e10,e11)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e11))
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != op2(h4(e10),h4(e10))
    | h4(e10) != e20
    | h4(e11) != e21
    | h4(e12) != e22 ),
    inference(split_conjunct,[status(thm)],[614]) ).

    e21 = h4(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[260,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e11) = e10,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[393,392,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e21) = e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[396,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 = h4(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[261,395,theory(equality)]),681,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,h2(e11)) = h2(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[253,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e11) = e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[391,392,theory(equality)]),680,theory(equality)]),392,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e21) = e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[394,395,theory(equality)]),681,theory(equality)]),395,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 = h4(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[259,395,theory(equality)]),681,theory(equality)]),395,theory(equality)]),688,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | e12 = e10
    | op1(e10,e12) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[58,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e10
    | op1(e10,e12) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[695,143,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | ~ epred4_0 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[399,262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ~ epred4_0,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[700,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e12) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[696,326,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e10
    | op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e13,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[57,326,theory(equality)]) ).

    h1(e11) != e20,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[390,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e11) != e21,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[369,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) != e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[348,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e12) != e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[197,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) != e12,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[196,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | op1(e13,e11) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[47,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | e10 = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[744,680,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e11
    | op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | e10 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[745,141,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e11) = e11
    | e10 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[746,305,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e11) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[747,144,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | op1(e12,e11) = e13
    | op1(e13,e11) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[43,687,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | e11 = e13
    | op1(e13,e11) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[752,748,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e13
    | op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | e11 = e13
    | e10 = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[753,680,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | e13 = e11
    | e13 = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[754,139,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e11) = e13
    | e13 = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[755,140,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e11) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[756,142,theory(equality)]) ).

    e11 != op1(e12,e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[188,748,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e11
    | op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e10,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[55,777,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e13,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[37,725,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e12) = e12
    | op1(e13,e12) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[779,284,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e10,e13) = e11
    | op1(e10,e13) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[87,728,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) != e11,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[185,748,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e12) = e11
    | op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | op1(e10,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[39,800,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e11,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | e11 = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[33,392,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e10
    | op1(e11,e13) = e10
    | op1(e12,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[803,144,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e12
    | op1(e11,e13) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12
    | e11 = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[29,392,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e13) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12
    | e12 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[811,728,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e13) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[812,141,theory(equality)]) ).

    e10 != op1(e13,e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[182,680,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e10) = e10
    | op1(e11,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[704,853,theory(equality)]) ).

    e11 != op1(e10,e13),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[204,392,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) = e13
    | op1(e10,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[791,889,theory(equality)]) ).

    e11 != op1(e13,e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[180,392,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 != op2(e20,e20),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[114,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 != h1(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[922,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    e21 != op2(e20,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[118,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    e21 != op2(e21,e23),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[116,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e22) != e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[111,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != h1(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[112,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
    | e11 = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[38,748,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[952,141,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e10) = e12
    | op1(e12,e13) = e12 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[953,284,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[110,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != op2(e23,e20),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[96,681,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e10
    | op1(e12,e12) = e12
    | op1(e12,e12) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[80,800,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e12) = e10
    | op1(e12,e12) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[988,284,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e11) != op2(e20,e21),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[132,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e11) != e22,
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1021,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
    | e10 = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | op1(e13,e13) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[28,680,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
    | e10 = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | e11 = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1044,392,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13
    | e13 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1045,142,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e13,e10) = e13
    | op1(e13,e12) = e13 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1046,140,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h2(e10),h2(e11)) = h2(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[251,252,theory(equality)]),684,theory(equality)]),252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | e20 = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | op2(e23,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[146,681,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | e20 = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | e21 = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1092,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23
    | e21 = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1093,228,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e20) = e23
    | op2(e23,e22) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1094,226,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e22
    | op2(e20,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[71,925,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1141,985,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e13) != e10
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[313,757,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) != e10,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[1150,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | op1(e11,e13) = e10 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[804,1151,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e21,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[151,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e20
    | op2(e21,e23) = e20
    | op2(e22,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1156,230,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) = e22
    | op2(e21,e23) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[147,395,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e23) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22
    | e22 = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1164,985,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e23) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1165,227,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) != op2(e20,e22),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[125,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) != op2(e22,e21),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[99,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | op1(e12,e13) != e12 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[281,757,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e13) != e12,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[1258,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e13) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[813,1259,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e10) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[954,1259,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | op2(e20,e20) = e21
    | op2(e20,e20) = e22
    | op2(e20,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[74,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h1(e11) = e21
    | op2(e20,e20) = e22
    | op2(e20,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1278,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h1(e11) = e21
    | h1(e11) = e22
    | op2(e20,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1279,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | h1(e11) = e21
    | h1(e11) = e22
    | h1(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1280,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e21
    | h1(e11) = e22
    | h1(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1281,711,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e21
    | h1(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1282,923,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | op2(e20,e21) = e20
    | op2(e20,e22) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[176,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | e22 = e20
    | op2(e20,e22) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1291,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e20
    | op2(e20,e22) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1292,711,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e20
    | op2(e20,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1293,229,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h1(e11) = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e22,e20) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[175,248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e22,e20) = e20
    | op2(e23,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1305,711,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e20
    | op2(e22,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1306,986,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != op2(e21,e21),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[128,681,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != h2(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1340,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e23,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[165,688,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | op2(e23,e21) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1379,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | e20 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1380,681,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e21
    | op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1381,227,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e21) = e21
    | e21 = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1382,712,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e21) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1383,230,theory(equality)]) ).

    e21 != h3(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1200,1384,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e22) = e22
    | op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[155,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1458,947,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e22) = e22
    | op2(e23,e22) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1459,713,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | op2(e21,e23) = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[166,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | op2(e21,e23) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1508,712,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e20) = e21
    | op2(e21,e22) = e21 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1509,926,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e20
    | op2(e21,e21) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[69,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | op2(e21,e21) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1547,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | op2(e21,e21) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1548,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e20
    | h2(e11) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1549,252,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e21
    | h2(e11) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1550,1341,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e11) = e22
    | h2(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1551,712,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e11) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1552,1022,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(h2(e10),e23) = h2(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1083,1553,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e23) = h2(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[684,1553,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
    | e21 = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[156,1384,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
    | e21 = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1638,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1639,227,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e20) = e22
    | op2(e22,e23) = e22 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1640,713,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e20,e23) != e20
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[377,252,theory(equality)]),1553,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) != e20,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[1662,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e23) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1142,1663,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e22,e23) = e20
    | op2(e21,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1157,1663,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e20,e22) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1294,1663,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e20
    | op2(e22,e22) = e21
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[64,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | op2(e22,e22) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1670,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | op2(e22,e22) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1671,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e22
    | h3(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1672,256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e20
    | h3(e11) = e21
    | h3(e11) = e23 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1673,713,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | op2(e22,e23) != e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[345,252,theory(equality)]),1553,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e23) != e22,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[1763,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e23) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1166,1764,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e20) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1641,1764,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | h4(e11) != e21
    | h4(e12) != e22
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[672,682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(e12) != e22
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4956,679,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4957,691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4958,682,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]),248,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | e22 != h4(op1(e10,e11))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4959,682,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]),688,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4960,687,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(h4(e10),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4961,682,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4962,682,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4963,679,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | e23 != h4(op1(e11,e11))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4964,679,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]),252,theory(equality)]),1553,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4965,757,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(h4(e11),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4966,679,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4967,679,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4968,691,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | e21 != h4(op1(e12,e11))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4969,691,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]),1384,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4970,748,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(h4(e12),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4971,691,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]),256,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e10)) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4972,691,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e11)) != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4973,262,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | e20 != h4(op1(e13,e11))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4974,262,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]),681,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e12)) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4975,680,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e23,e22) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | op2(h4(e13),h4(e13)) != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4976,262,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e23,e22) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | e21 != h4(op1(e13,e13)) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4977,262,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]),395,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | $false
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | $false
    | op2(e23,e22) != h4(op1(e13,e12))
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4978,392,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( epred4_0
    | h1(e11) != h4(op1(e10,e10))
    | op2(e20,e22) != h4(op1(e10,e12))
    | op2(e20,e23) != h4(op1(e10,e13))
    | op2(e21,e20) != h4(op1(e11,e10))
    | op2(e21,e22) != h4(op1(e11,e12))
    | op2(e21,e23) != h4(op1(e11,e13))
    | op2(e22,e20) != h4(op1(e12,e10))
    | h3(e11) != h4(op1(e12,e12))
    | op2(e22,e23) != h4(op1(e12,e13))
    | op2(e23,e20) != h4(op1(e13,e10))
    | op2(e23,e22) != h4(op1(e13,e12)) ),
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[4979,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(e20,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(e20,e23)
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | h4(op1(e11,e13)) != op2(e21,e23)
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22) ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[4980,701,theory(equality)]) ).

    e12 != op1(e11,e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[189,1263,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h4(op1(e10,e12)) != op2(e20,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(e20,e23)
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | e22 != op2(e21,e23)
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[4981,1263,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | op1(e12,e12) != e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[292,1264,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) != e10,
    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[6586,theory(equality)]) ).

    e23 != h1(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[948,1664,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e12) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[703,1151,theory(equality)]) ).

    h1(e11) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1283,6607,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h3(e11) = e23
    | h3(e11) = e20 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[1674,1387,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e10) = e11
    | op1(e10,e10) = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[778,898,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e12) = e12,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[780,6544,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e13
    | op1(e13,e10) = e13 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1047,6677,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e13,e10) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6687,139,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | op1(e10,e12) = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[801,6677,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e11
    | op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | e10 = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6697,6624,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e11,e12) = e11
    | e10 = e11 ),
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6698,141,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e12) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6699,144,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e12 = e10
    | op1(e11,e10) = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[855,1264,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e11,e10) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6706,143,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e10,e10) = e11
    | e10 = e11 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6673,6707,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e10) = e11,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6711,144,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e12) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[989,6587,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e10,e13) = e13,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[892,1151,theory(equality)]) ).

    e22 = h2(e10),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1555,1766,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e22,e23) = h2(e12),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1554,6756,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op1(e12,e13) = e10
    | e12 = e10 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1153,1263,theory(equality)]) ).

    op1(e12,e13) = e10,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6759,143,theory(equality)]) ).

    e20 != h3(e11),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1174,1666,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e20
    | op2(e21,e20) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1307,1768,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e20) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6787,229,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e21,e22) = e21
    | e20 = e21 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1510,6788,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e21,e22) = e21,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6794,230,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( op2(e23,e22) = e22
    | e21 = e22 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1460,6795,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e22) = e22,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6808,227,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e22 = e23
    | op2(e23,e20) = e23 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1095,6809,theory(equality)]) ).

    op2(e23,e20) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6829,225,theory(equality)]) ).

    h3(e11) = e23,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6661,6771,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e12) = e20
    | op2(e21,e23) = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[1665,6757,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( h2(e12) = e20
    | e22 = e20 ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6880,1766,theory(equality)]) ).

    h2(e12) = e20,
    inference(sr,[status(thm)],[6881,229,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( e20 != op2(e20,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(e20,e23)
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6548,6624,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | h4(op1(e10,e13)) != op2(e20,e23)
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6906,1666,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | e23 != op2(e20,e23)
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6907,6749,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e11,e10)) != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6908,1664,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | e20 != op2(e21,e20)
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6909,6707,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e11,e12)) != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6910,6788,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != op2(e21,e22)
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6911,6700,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | op2(e21,e23) != e22
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6912,6795,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e12,e10)) != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6913,1766,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != op2(e22,e20)
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6914,1264,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e12,e13)) != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6915,1768,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e20 != op2(e22,e23)
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6916,6760,theory(equality)]),682,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e13,e10)) != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6917,6757,theory(equality)]),6882,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != op2(e23,e20)
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6918,6688,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e13,e12)) != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6919,6830,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e22 != op2(e23,e22)
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6920,6677,theory(equality)]),691,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e10,e10)) != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6921,6809,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e21 != h1(e11)
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6922,6712,theory(equality)]),679,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | h4(op1(e12,e12)) != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6923,6641,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | e23 != h3(e11) ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6924,6733,theory(equality)]),262,theory(equality)]) ).

    ( $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false
    | $false ),
    inference(rw,[status(thm)],[6925,6853,theory(equality)]) ).

    inference(cn,[status(thm)],[6926,theory(equality)]) ).

    [proof] ).

% % SZS status Started for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG111+1.p
% --creating new selector for []
% -running prover on /tmp/tmpqZHE5o/sel_ALG111+1.p_1 with time limit 29
% -prover status Theorem
% Problem ALG111+1.p solved in phase 0.
% % SZS status Theorem for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG111+1.p
% % SZS status Ended for /home/graph/tptp/TPTP/Problems/ALG/ALG111+1.p
% Solved 1 out of 1.
% # Problem is unsatisfiable (or provable), constructing proof object
% # SZS status Theorem
% # SZS output start CNFRefutation.
% See solution above