TPTP Problem File: LCL163-1.p
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% File : LCL163-1 : TPTP v9.0.0. Released v1.0.0.
% Domain : Logic Calculi (Wajsberg Algebra)
% Problem : The 3rd Wajsberg algebra axiom, from the alternative axioms
% Version : [Bon91] (equality) axioms.
% English :
% Refs : [FRT84] Font et al. (1984), Wajsberg Algebras
% : [AB90] Anantharaman & Bonacina (1990), An Application of the
% : [Bon91] Bonacina (1991), Problems in Lukasiewicz Logic
% Source : [Bon91]
% Names : W axiom 3 [Bon91]
% Status : Unsatisfiable
% Rating : 0.18 v8.2.0, 0.21 v8.1.0, 0.25 v7.4.0, 0.30 v7.3.0, 0.21 v7.1.0, 0.17 v7.0.0, 0.26 v6.3.0, 0.29 v6.2.0, 0.36 v6.1.0, 0.31 v6.0.0, 0.43 v5.5.0, 0.47 v5.4.0, 0.33 v5.3.0, 0.25 v5.2.0, 0.29 v5.1.0, 0.20 v5.0.0, 0.21 v4.1.0, 0.27 v4.0.1, 0.21 v4.0.0, 0.15 v3.7.0, 0.00 v3.4.0, 0.12 v3.3.0, 0.14 v3.1.0, 0.11 v2.7.0, 0.09 v2.6.0, 0.00 v2.4.0, 0.00 v2.2.1, 0.44 v2.2.0, 0.43 v2.1.0, 0.75 v2.0.0
% Syntax : Number of clauses : 14 ( 14 unt; 0 nHn; 2 RR)
% Number of literals : 14 ( 14 equ; 1 neg)
% Maximal clause size : 1 ( 1 avg)
% Maximal term depth : 5 ( 2 avg)
% Number of predicates : 1 ( 0 usr; 0 prp; 2-2 aty)
% Number of functors : 8 ( 8 usr; 4 con; 0-2 aty)
% Number of variables : 19 ( 1 sgn)
% Comments :
%----Include Alternative Wajsberg algebra axioms
%----Include some Alternative Wajsberg algebra definitions
% include('Axioms/').
%----Definition that and_star is AC and xor is C
xor(X,Y) = xor(Y,X) ).
and_star(and_star(X,Y),Z) = and_star(X,and_star(Y,Z)) ).
and_star(X,Y) = and_star(Y,X) ).
%----Definition of false in terms of true
not(truth) = falsehood ).
%----Include the definition of implies in terms of xor and and_star
implies(X,Y) = xor(truth,and_star(X,xor(truth,Y))) ).
implies(implies(x,y),y) != implies(implies(y,x),x) ).