TPTP Problem File: COM140+1.p

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% File     : COM140+1 : TPTP v9.0.0. Released v6.4.0.
% Domain   : Computing Theory
% Problem  : T-Weak-abs-2 step in progress/preservation proof
% Version  : Augmented > Especial.
% English  : This problem is a step within the proof of progress and 
%            preservation for the standard type system for the simply-typed 
%            lambda calculus.

% Refs     : [Pie02] Pierce (2002), Programming Languages
%          : [Gre15] Grewe (2015), Email to Geoff Sutcliffe
%          : [GE+15] Grewe et al. (2015), Type Systems for the Masses: Deri
% Source   : [Gre15]
% Names    : Types-T-Weak-abs-2 [Gre15]

% Status   : Theorem
% Rating   : 0.70 v9.0.0, 0.72 v8.2.0, 0.75 v7.5.0, 0.78 v7.4.0, 0.73 v7.3.0, 0.79 v7.1.0, 0.74 v7.0.0, 0.80 v6.4.0
% Syntax   : Number of formulae    :   62 (   7 unt;   0 def)
%            Number of atoms       :  307 ( 231 equ)
%            Maximal formula atoms :   33 (   4 avg)
%            Number of connectives :  285 (  40   ~;  17   |; 127   &)
%                                         (   0 <=>; 101  =>;   0  <=;   0 <~>)
%            Maximal formula depth :   23 (   8 avg)
%            Maximal term depth    :    5 (   1 avg)
%            Number of predicates  :    8 (   6 usr;   1 prp; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of functors    :   17 (  17 usr;   4 con; 0-3 aty)
%            Number of variables   :  337 ( 269   !;  68   ?)

% Comments : Generated by Veritas:
%          : This is an expanded version of the original, with most axioms
%            combined into
    ! [Vx,VS,VC,Vy,VS1,Ve1,VT] :
      ( ( Vx != Vy
        & vlookup(Vx,VC) = vnoType
        & vtcheck(VC,vabs(Vy,VS1,Ve1),VT) )
     => vtcheck(vbind(Vx,VS,VC),vabs(Vy,VS1,Ve1),VT) ) ).

    ! [Vx,VS,VC,Vy,VS1,VT] :
      ( ( Vx = Vy
        & vlookup(Vx,VC) = vnoType
        & vtcheck(VC,vabs(Vy,VS1,veabs),VT) )
     => vtcheck(vbind(Vx,VS,VC),vabs(Vy,VS1,veabs),VT) ) ).
