TPTP Reference: YCG08

    Author       = "Ye, Z. and Chou, S. and Gao, X.",
    Year         = "2008",
    Title        = "{An Introduction to Java Geometry Expert}",
    Journal      = "Intelligence",
    Volume       = "",
    Pages        = "",
    Comment      = ""
    Author       = "Ye, Z. and Chou, S. and Gao, X.",
    Year         = "2008",
    Title        = "{An Introduction to Java Geometry Expert}",
    Editor       = "Sturm, T. and Zengler, C.",
    BookTitle    = "{Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Automated
                    Deduction in Geometry}",
    Place        = "Shanghai, China",
    Series       = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    Number       = "6301",
    Pages        = "189-195",
    Publisher    = "Springer-Verlag",
    Comment      = "TPTPRef"