TPTP Reference: Sch13

    Author       = "Schlyter, C.",
    Year         = "2013",
    Title        = "{Visualization of a Finite First Order Logic Model}",
    School       = "Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University
                    of Gothenburg",
    Address      = "G{\"o}teborg, Sweden",
    Comment      = ""
    Author       = "Schulz, S.",
    Year         = "2013",
    Title        = "{System Description: E 1.8}",
    Editor       = "McMillan, K. and Middeldorp, A. and Voronkov, A.",
    BookTitle    = "{Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Logic for Programming, 
                    Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning}",
    Place        = "Stellenbosch, South Africa",
    Series       = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
    Number       = "8312",
    Pages        = "477-483",
    Publisher    = "Springer-Verlag",
    Comment      = ""
    Author       = "Schulz, S.",
    Year         = "2013",
    Title        = "{Simple and Efficient Clause Subsumption with Feature Vector Indexing}",
    Editor       = "Bonacina, M.P. and Stickel, M.",
    BookTitle    = "{Automated Reasoning and Mathematics: Essays in Memory
                    of William W. McCune}",
    Series       = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence",
    Number       = "7788",
    Pages        = "45-67",
    Publisher    = "Springer-Verlag",
    Comment      = "TPTPCite"