TPTP Reference: KK+16
Author = "Kotelnikov, E. and Kovacs, L. and Reger, G. and Voronkov, A.",
Year = "2016",
Title = "{The Vampire and the FOOL}",
Editor = "Avigad, J. and Chlipala, A.",
BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Certified Programs and
Place = "St Petersburg, USA",
Pages = "37-48",
Publisher = "ACM",
Comment = "TPTPRef"
Author = "Kotelnikov, E. and Kovacs, L. and Suda, M. and Voronkov, A.",
Year = "2016",
Title = "{A Clausal Normal Form Translation for FOOL}",
Editor = "Benzm{\"u}ller, C. and Sutcliffe, G. and Rojas, R.",
BookTitle = "{Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence}",
Place = "Berlin, Germany",
Series = "EPiC Series in Computing",
Number = "41",
Pages = "53-71",
Publisher = "EasyChair Publications",
Comment = ""