A Theorem with Nice Axioms

Every student is enrolled in at least one course. Every professor teaches at least one course. Every course has at least one student enrolled. Every course has at least one professor teaching. The coordinator of a course teaches the course. If a student is enrolled in a course then the student is taught by every professor who teaches the course. Michael is enrolled in CSC410. Victor is the coordinator of CSC410. Therefore, Michael is taught by Victor. (PUZ131_1)
tff(student_type,type,        student: $tType ).
tff(professor_type,type,      professor: $tType ).
tff(course_type,type,         course: $tType ).

tff(michael_type,type,        michael: student ).
tff(victor_type,type,         victor: professor ).
tff(csc410_type,type,         csc410: course ).
tff(enrolled_type,type,       enrolled: ( student * course ) > $o ).
tff(teaches_type,type,        teaches: ( professor * course ) > $o ).
tff(taught_by_type,type,      taughtby: ( student * professor ) > $o ).
tff(coordinator_of_type,type, coordinatorof: course > professor ).

%----Every student is enrolled in at least one course.
    ! [X: student] : ? [Y: course] : enrolled(X,Y) ).

%----Every professor teaches at least one course.
    ! [X: professor] : ? [Y: course] : teaches(X,Y) ).

%----Every course has at least one student enrolled.
    ! [X: course] : ? [Y: student] : enrolled(Y,X) ).

%----Every course has at least one professor teaching.
    ! [X: course] : ? [Y: professor] : teaches(Y,X) ).

%----The coordinator of a course teaches the course.
    ! [X: course] : teaches(coordinatorof(X),X) ).

%----If a student is enrolled in a course then the student is taught by 
%----every professor who teaches the course.
    ! [X: student,Y: course] :
      ( enrolled(X,Y)
     => ! [Z: professor] : ( teaches(Z,Y) => taughtby(X,Z) ) ) ).

%----Michael is enrolled in CSC410.
    enrolled(michael,csc410) ).

%----Victor is the coordinator of CSC410.
    coordinatorof(csc410) = victor ).

%----Therefore, Michael is taught by Victor.
    taughtby(michael,victor) ).