The CADE ATP System Competition

... part of ...

The 21st International Conference on Automated Deduction
Bremen, Germany, 17th - 20th July 2007

The CADE conferences are the major forum for the presentation of new research in all aspects of automated deduction. In order to stimulate ATP research and system development, and to expose ATP systems within and beyond the ATP community, the CADE ATP System Competition (CASC) is held at each CADE conference. CASC-21 will be held at the 21st International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-21) on 17th July 2007.

CASC evaluates the performance of sound, fully automatic, classical 1st order ATP systems. The evaluation is in terms of:

in the context of:

The competition organizer is Geoff Sutcliffe, with assistance from Steven Trac. The competition is overseen by a panel of knowledgeable researchers who are not participating in the event. The panel members are Christoph Benzmüller, Alan Bundy, and John Slaney. If you have any questions about the competition, please email the organizers.

 System registration closed on 4th June

Deadlines and Important Dates

Follow these links to:

Competition machines supplied by

Department of Computer Science,
University of Manchester