Content-type: text/html SPC Results
Note: Although Bliksem 1.00 passed the soundness testing and ran on the day of the competition, in testing after the competition it was discovered that Bliksem 1.00 is unsound. Bliksem 1.00 was hence disqualified, and therefore the Bliksem 1.00 results do not appear here.

Results for MIXProblems

Gandalf c-1.1 SPASS 1.0.0a AI-SETHEO C-15 p-SETHEO C-15 Otter 3.0.5 TGTP C-15 SCOTT v3.1.0 HERBY 1.0 E 0.1
Attempted 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Solved 61 59 53 50 45 35 29 16 9
Av. Time 56.34 41.64 39.19 16.99 18.89 57.52 96.63 13.00 3.14

Results for UEQProblems

Waldmeister 798 Otter 3.0.5 DISCOUNT-TSM 2.1 Gandalf c-1.1 SPASS 1.0.0a E 0.1 SCOTT v3.1.0
Attempted 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Solved 30 25 25 25 23 19 19
Av. Time 0.62 10.68 28.32 60.96 33.73 31.65 78.57

Results for SATProblems

SPASS 1.0.0a MACE 1.3.2 Satchmo Functional
Attempted 30 30 30
Solved 22 14 11
Av. Time 25.27 0.31 15.15

Results for FOFProblems

SPASS 1.0.0a Otter 3.0.5
Attempted 40 40
Solved 39 2
Av. Time 60.49 0.75

Results for HEQProblems

Otter 3.0.5 SPASS 1.0.0a AI-SETHEO C-15 p-SETHEO C-15 Gandalf c-1.1 SCOTT v3.1.0 TGTP C-15 HERBY 1.0 E 0.1
Attempted 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Solved 16 15 14 13 12 12 10 6 2
Av. Time 5.66 53.69 45.01 15.68 85.92 136.62 28.61 19.30 0.25

Results for HNEProblems

Gandalf c-1.1 SPASS 1.0.0a p-SETHEO C-15 Otter 3.0.5 AI-SETHEO C-15 TGTP C-15 SCOTT v3.1.0 HERBY 1.0 E 0.1
Attempted 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Solved 18 16 15 15 15 12 9 4 0
Av. Time 13.74 19.26 17.17 19.65 34.27 79.83 70.06 13.58 -

Results for NEQProblems

Gandalf c-1.1 SPASS 1.0.0a Otter 3.0.5 AI-SETHEO C-15 TGTP C-15 p-SETHEO C-15 HERBY 1.0 SCOTT v3.1.0 E 0.1
Attempted 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Solved 18 15 9 9 8 7 3 3 1
Av. Time 97.94 39.42 42.22 60.43 74.84 22.39 0.73 81.77 1.00

Results for NNEProblems

SPASS 1.0.0a p-SETHEO C-15 AI-SETHEO C-15 Gandalf c-1.1 Otter 3.0.5 TGTP C-15 SCOTT v3.1.0 HERBY 1.0 E 0.1
Attempted 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Solved 8 7 7 4 3 3 3 2 1
Av. Time 54.73 20.71 39.01 26.88 0.13 4.17 52.73 17.80 0.00

Results for PEQProblems

Gandalf c-1.1 p-SETHEO C-15 AI-SETHEO C-15 E 0.1 SPASS 1.0.0a Otter 3.0.5 SCOTT v3.1.0 TGTP C-15 HERBY 1.0
Attempted 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Solved 9 8 8 5 5 2 2 2 1
Av. Time 31.96 10.81 14.51 5.36 62.90 42.20 64.45 78.95 0.10

Results for FEQProblems

SPASS 1.0.0a Otter 3.0.5
Attempted 20 20
Solved 19 2
Av. Time 23.38 0.75

Results for FNEProblems

SPASS 1.0.0a Otter 3.0.5
Attempted 20 20
Solved 20 0
Av. Time 95.75 -