CADE-13 ATP System Competition Description Schema

We have suggested topics to be covered in each section, those topics marked with * are mandatory, the others are optional. You may have further topics specific to your system that you wish to add.
  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture
  3. Implementation
  4. Performance
  5. Conclusion
Your submission must be sent to Geoff Sutcliffe ( by 30/9/96. Prepare your description using LaTeX, according to the JAR style (available on the WWW). Individual system descriptions may be up to 6 pages, and combined descriptions up to 10 pages. All descriptions will be reviewed, and will be accepted only if they meet JAR standards. In particular, you will be asked to review at least one description (from someone who is not reviewing your description, so you can critisize without fear :-).
Geoff Sutcliffe, Christian Suttner 27.8.96